
It was a bad call. However a lesser general does not win the Battle of Chancellorsville.

As much as it pains me to say it, Trump kind of had a valid point. Lee routinely defeated Union armies that were more numerous and better armed than the Army of Northern Virginia. President Lincoln had to sack multiple Union Army commanders for incompetence. Even when Grant took command of the Army of the Potomac he

It went on longer than it should have because of dipshit Union Army commanders.

That’s what people in Alabama said about Roy Moore.

My 7th grade English teacher was old as fuck. She used to fall asleep in the middle of a lesson sometimes.

There’s a recent article on Polygon about how the Tardis from Dr. Who is somehow a racial trigger for African-Americans.”

How is this surprising? Trump surrounds himself with the trashiest people of every color and creed.

Nah, he’s just a slimy ambulance chaser.

This was so fucking weird even Trump looked like he was thinking “this dude is crazy.”

Dude was just using being gay as a cover for being an asshole. I knew a guy like that when I was stationed in Korea. He was a fucking prick and anytime someone called him out on it he would claim they were homophobic. He did that to me once and I was like “no, I don’t like you because you are an asshole. There’s 3

Even Trump seemed to be thinking “man, this guy is fucking nuts.”

Of fucking course this scumbag would debase the Medal of Honor by suggesting that his corrupt congressman supporter should be awarded it for purely political reasons. If Duncan Hunter, former Marine officer, has any honor left he would come out and make a statement against this. I’m not holding my breath.

“I know my legal rights as an American citizen who voted for Trump.”

Such a law would also need to be passed by the House. And because both sides benefit from gerrymandering good luck getting one passed through there.

The Senate has nothing to do with gerrymandering.

The point of registering as a Democrat is to run an independent campaign in 2020? Huh?

Hillary Clinton has charisma? Could have fooled me...

Is she gonna quit that job too?

Nah, but Camp Humphreys would have been a pretty damn good place to hole up. The perimeter of the base is an 8 ft brick wall with another 4-5 ft chain link fence with concertina wire on top.