
The movie is pretty meh. I was actually stationed at the army base in Korea that Pitt’s character goes to in the movie. It was pretty hilarious to see the soldiers in the movie kitted out like special forces badasses when the only people at that base at the time were logistics, intelligence, and aviation soldiers.

My favorite vignette from the book had nothing to do with politics. It was the Japanese kid trying to escape his high rise apartment building in an overrun Osaka.

I would be pretty shocked if Mattis was corrupt. He’s the only one.

Hope you enjoy Trump then.

Ok, then vote for Cramer.

I always figured that those MIG-28 (lol) pilots were North Korean by how all those Navy officers acted. Like in the this combat is serious but it’s not gonna start World War 3 kind of way.

Yeah, I mean Kanye is a delusional moron but he’s not vindictive or hateful like Trump.

Here’s the thing, I think that Kavanaugh believes that he didn’t do it and that belief was good enough for the Republican Senators. Never mind the fact that he was cagey as fuck about his drinking habits as a younger man and multiple former associates describe him routinely drinking to excess. I think he did it but

Knowing how many voters are in a district to ensure a proper number of polling stations. Makes voter fraud harder (I’m not saying it’s prevalent but if you have X number of registered voters in a district and the final vote tally is X+4,000 then something is off). I don’t like the laws dropping people off voter rolls.

Why is that a problem?

Taking five minutes to fill out a simple form is hardly suppression. If you can’t do that you weren’t suppressed, you were lazy.

She’s cool like that. The TARDIS is a she, right? I can’t really remember.

That’s the key. Trump’s base of support is under 40% of the voting population. If the people who oppose him just show up and vote then we can put the brake on this lunacy. I’ve convinced my transgender brother to vote for the first time in his life. He was always of the opinion “oh all politicians are shit and voting

So what, you’re not gonna vote?

No automatic voter registration. Americans have to actually go register once they reach 18.”

Democrats opened that can of worms back in 2013. I said back then that it would come to bite them in the ass.

As soon as they get a Constitutional Amendment to do so. So, never.

So, what’s your plan then?

Populists gonna populist.