Bears for President

Also, on July 12th be sure to pick up my tell all Bears: A Serial Listener Who Remembers, Like, a good 60% of what happened but only about 25% of the Names Involved but still makes “There’s a Shrimp Sale at the Crab Crib” Jokes.

I guess I wasn’t surprised either, I just thought the episode gave us some hope it wouldn’t end that way.

If it makes you feel any better my comment could theoretically be about a couple of characters.

Revision: that actress should be in way, way more things that I want to watch.

Not lying, I yelled at my TV after what happened on the Americans. It probably needed to happen for the plot, there was no way to extricate her from the situation she was in, but god damn if they didn’t make that as heartbreaking as possible. That actress should be in way, way more things.

Yeah, if memory serves the episode about the 30's has a ton of Negro Leagues stuff with Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige and Rube Foster all receiving profiles on par with any other player in the series.

Is the bear spa full of piss and shit and all sorts of bacteria that could render me dead? Almost certainly.

See, the thing about baby steps is that they’re kind of encouraging when a baby makes them because the capacity for making bigger steps is beyond them but it’s a sign they’re learning.

Hi, you just wrote a lot of words. My comment was entirely a “Chip Kelly is a racist” joke. Sorry you wasted that time.

There’s a chance you missed the point here.

I really don’t think you do get what I’m saying.

Oh sure, the Liberal media is fine if a black man wears a shirt like this but if a white man were to wear a shirt like this on ESPN denigrating African Americans everyone would flip out and ask how could he do it and what was he thinking and just how does he plan to revamp the 49ers offense.

Probably rode the (gravy) train all the way to Wall Street, am I right?

Oh boy, I hope this one has some fast cars and semi-clothed ladies in it.

When it boils right down to it, Barkley may be the best sports broadcasting guy ever.

To be fair, a lot of those 13 pages are taken up by numerous threatening references to the UN and at the end he just keeps repeating “Screw Embiid” over and over.

John Olerud.

The reason you can “get away with it” in baseball is because it’s primarily a game of skill rather than athleticism. You might prefer athleticism, maybe you go crazy for world track and field meets, but one of the things I like about baseball is that the best baseball player in the world doesn’t have to be 6'9 240lbs

That’s what you people believe?

Not cool. My unemployed brother was a Poly Sci major