
Yeah, you’re not alone. New headlights are obnoxiously bright.

They are way too bright now, and no matter what anyone says, they aren’t aligned properly. No place in the nation has perfectly straight roads, and those lights end up going right into the driver.

You’re not alone there. Newer headlights are incredibly intense.

Thank you! I hate them, and they’re not safe!

Maybe I’m just getting old, but damn if headlights on newer cars aren’t blinding as hell. Even without their brights on.

This isn’t a knock on NerdWallet or Tim because I love that website, but whenever I read that someone batches email irregularly, or chooses which meetings to attend, or doesn’t have a to-do list, it makes me assume that it works well for them but causes issues for others on the team. Sure, that extra ‘free time’ lead

Bledsoe may hate it there, but at least it’s a dry hate.

Damn, how much more burning can California take?

In’n’Out is good, but it’s one of those things where the hype is so outsized the actual food just can’t live up to it. It’s a good cheeseburger, but there’s a certain ceiling to how good a cheeseburger can be, and people compete to shower theirs with praise. Can’t live up to it.

Protest in the street? Naw, this is not the time or place, since the protests are disrupting to my commute.

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

that’s how you win back to back to back AAU championships.

Fair point but it does sort of suggest that their critical faculties maybe aren’t tuned to the same key. Especially when it comes to the off-field stuff that’s been such a turn-off for folks like us.

This point is 20 years old by now, but, boxing, horse-racing, and baseball have all held and lost the pinnacle of the American sports landscape. It can happen. Over a long enough timeframe, it will happen to football, even if it isn’t laid low by its immediate issues.

must determine whether or not the tweet made a football like move

I have not played a Madden game since Michael Vick was on the cover.I will be buying this. Thank you for making me care about Madden again.

Since Lackey has a second career as the replacement to Frank Oz as voice of Fozzie Bear, I’m surprised he got on via hit, and not a “Walk-a, Walk-a”

... but also because of lackadaisical fielding out in center.

NFL Logic