
I don’t understand why this website continues to defend this douche.

Sure, but I don’t care about any of that.

Wow, doubly fuck them. They really don’t get it.

That’s really not helping their case.

All religions suck.

If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.

Fuck integrity lets get that money!

This sounds fake. Why does a sister need to be the maid or matron of honor anyway? It seems like the perfect situation to have a friend in the role or just forgo having attendants completely.

Who the fuck watches Judge Judy?

Digital audio is readily available prior to Apple’s move. They aren’t doing any great service to the world, they’re trying to score a bunch of extra $4 Lightning Plug licensing fees.

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.

Magikarp is constantly suffocating.

Pictured: Case Keenum pointing to which receiver he’s going to throw to.

and hear i thought they were touting their service and quality as lossless.

“Did he catch a football? No idea. What I know is that if that motherfucker wears 9/11 cleats we’re fining him to the fucking moon. PROTECT THE SHIELD.”

That’s the NFL for you: no one knows what a catch is any more, but the league was willing to go the fucking Supreme Court to make sure Fautleroy Goodell could wave his banhammer around at any player for any reason whatsoever. I can easily envision him in his NFL underoos at home screaming “YOU MUST RESPECT MAH

Really depends on how much you care about design, color temperature, and UI.

Really depends on how much you care about design, color temperature, and UI.