
+1 devalued pound

Imagine half of Leicester Cities fans and boards thought it would be a good idea to leave the FA because they didn’t like the influence other teams had on their ability to play football. Lets call it Foxit. But shockingly, leaving the FA means they are no longer in the Premier League and the FA CUp. They are no longer

Brexit is a dance where you promise the room that if they vote to do it, it’ll be awesome and then they do... and you switch off the light, turn down the music and everyone goes, “Uh, where are we and what’s going on?”

Perhaps if Riley convinced his billionaire owner to sacrifice by paying the luxury tax the year before in order to keep the team together, he could have better convinced a not-billionaire that everybody there was sacrificing. Instead, they traded away assets important to James to avoid paying the repeater tax.

“You’re making the biggest mistake of my career.”- Pat Riley

Patterson and Gimlin agree!

The burrito photo looks like Bigfoot wandering around in the woods.

Not without a fight.

It’s even worse; he’s a “WHY IS THIS NEWS?!!!” truther.

A Kershaw truther. Just perfect

He should’ve brat his A game.

I always relish these pun threads.

First time on deadspin?

You misunderstand me. I’m friends with a shark bite victim so it’s cool

That’s just the wurst running I’ve ever seen.

There it is! That’s the one I was looking for!

Look, it happens. You have a fair bit of success and it makes you get a big head.

This is just like the time when I broke my hand playing Golden Tee, while drunk at a bar. I eventually recovered physically, but the mental scars remained. Can’t tell you how many times I was asked to play. But I just couldn’t.

more like 330

If Barley is 250 then Shaq is still 325.