
I know a dinosaur truther, it was so weird when I found out because I didn’t even know that was a thing until he told me about 2-3 years ago. How can somebody deny the existence of dinosaurs, or is it more about denying how much we know? My friend had a complaint that most dinosaurs only ever have a few bones found,

I don’t think it excuses OBJ but I am still surprised that the NFL would allow a football team to take bats onto the field at any point on game day.

anybody able to help out with what point in the video it happens?

I might not be rushing out to cancel my Spotify but I did dig through some boxes to find some of my old music boxes :)

Who watches the Super Bowl Halftime Show? When it goes to half we will hit mute and go about our business until the game comes back on. Also, Coldplay sucks, U2 is terrible as well. Pretty sure they are the same band.

I would love to see him kicked out of school, lose his scholarship, and lose the course credits he has accumulated up to this point of his college career. That may sound harsh, like I am some crazy upset Utes fan or something.. but the truth is, I barely care that the punch was thrown. My issue is with the honor code

13 post recommendations? So it looks like we have at least a dozen active cops that comment on Gawker sites.

Wow, this wasn’t even a Bills game :)

Are we sure this is a penalty in the Canadian Football League? I mean, let’s make sure we understand the nuances of the Canadian rule book before we make any snap judgements. The Saskatchewan District Five Football Club vs. The Ajax United Football Mans Group has a storied history that we would all be wise to respect

You know... I really feel for all the rightfully named Peeping Toms out there in the world, their good reputations besmirched by the willy-nilly use of the term “peeping Tom” to describe a Voyeur.

Good call, as a 12 year veteran in the digital media world, past hobbyist with film, tape, and general captured footage, I had no idea what they could have possibly been referring to when they said “tape” because this is obviously film. I pray for the non-initiated, that they might not have been subjected to the

My son played one year of NFL affiliated Flag Football, it was 45 degrees outside and he was wearing a hoodie, the ref made him take it off for safety. My 1st grade son (at the time) then played a full FLAG football game in a short-sleeved jersey. That was the last time I encouraged him to play any form of organized

Mormonism is encouraging LGBTQ persecution with their latest “policy” that children living in homes with LGBTQ parents are to be blocked from receiving baptisms and other religious ordinances. They are providing ammo to bigots and bullies and giving them a voice and a god to hide behind.

Hmm, I wonder what book it would be if people protested a Hillary or Bernie rally... ohh ohh I got it, the TV Guide, no wait it could be People magazine, maybe a cross word puzzle?

I cut the cable back in 2007, I was moving into a new house and decided to just see if I could do it. I was tired of all the garbage on TV and hated having to pay for cable to get a handful of stations I wanted, while subsidizing a ton of stations that I wanted to never watch. I also felt that the cable/dish watching

I will go ahead and admit that I didn’t vote this year, and I will explain why it happened.

Read an article a few months back (don’t remember if it was on this site) but they also pointed out the increased focus put on games and revenue, with players arguing to reduce time spent training/playing, it means that players bodies might not be getting the proper amount of correct strengthening to help prevent

Or so you want us to think

I’m thinking StevenG is the hacker mentioned in the article, pretty defensive on here to the plight of the software engineer being required to operate with oversight ;)

I just came to see the comment about this being the first time this season that a 49ers O-Line made any effort to protect the QB. So where is the comment, why do I not see it yet, is it lost in the sea of comments eternally waiting for approval?