
I feel there is a very real possibility that by the time Suicide Squad releases I will already be fed up with it and will not bother seeing it in the theater.

Before DraftKings and FanDuel started bombarding us with ads I was generally for looser restrictions on gambling but now I have had to rethink some things. If keeping gambling strictly regulated and outlawed in many states means we might have a landfill to throw DFS into, which leads to fewer DFS ads (radio, internet,

+1 - I own a couple of iMacs, iPhones, iPods, iPads, Apple TV (just pre-ordered the new one today), I love the tech they put out, and I was/am very excited for this movie. However, I don’t think I will go through the trouble of getting a babysitter and forking over the money for the theater experience. If my wife and

I was having a discussion about this the other day, anytime some crazy story starts being told all you need to hear is that it happened in Florida and it instantly becomes believable.

When I read some of the comments on this articles and other ones like it, I wonder if the NFL/NCAA has people who’s only jobs are to watch the web and try to cloud the discussion. Fighting about semantics or trying to pretend like what happened to this athlete is “no big deal” or “we aren’t doctors”, etc. is just

Ah Utah, my home, got to love it out here, the air is polluted, the winters are more mild with each passing year I have been here, and the blissful ignorance washes over you like gravy on your Thanksgiving turkey. It really is “the place”, now I am going to go listen to some MoTab, sip some hot chocolate, and

Maybe I didn’t follow the story close enough but was this even a controversy? I don’t even remember the announcers being angry, I thought they were just making fun of the situation. Hell, the announcers weren’t paying attention to the game if they were commenting on the girls.

Doesn’t seem like Click-bait to me, that would mean they pulled us in with a title that is not representative of the article but just because we made assumptions as to the librarians reasoning for banning the book we think we were tricked into reading?

I owned an iPhone 3, 4, 5s, and now 6s, this might be the worst iPhone I have owned. My battery dies as fast as my iPhone 5s after 2 years of use. My cell reception is terrible, I dropped 3 calls today and couldn’t browse the web while trying to see if other people had the same issues. My phone feels like it overheats

It is a real problem but it must depend on the consumer. When I go to buy an iPad I don’t usually have a hard budget but I have how much I want to spend, let’s say $400 like in your example. So I jump out to Apple’s website to place an order, I notice that I have 5 options, then I realize one isn’t release yet, so

I tried my hardest to be a good commissioner and I don’t think anybody had any complaints. However, I gave it up this season because I got sick of lack of commitment by the owners, not commitment to win, commitment to have fun and interact with the league. We held 3 events per year; Draft Lottery, Draft Party, Post

I know keeping your arm warm is important but I would think it is more of a rhythm issue, just like coaches calling timeouts in between free throws or before a field goal, it is a way to make the opposing player have to think about things longer.

10 is batting around

I think about this issue as less white cop vs. minority citizen and more as an issue of cops vs. minorities. The craziest thing for me to understand is how every cop seems to protect the garbage officers among them. The good cops should be standing up, demanding that the bad be stripped of their badges, instead it is

Just signed up, can’t wait to dive in :)

Still waiting for an update of the codec, over a year since a new version has been pushed. Encodes too slow to benefit anybody right now, it would takes days/weeks to encode one movie on Netflix.