
I’m sad he didn’t show up, because there will be no court drawing of him openly weeping. Also, fuck this guy right to hell. What an asshole. I hope he’s paying this out the rest of his life.

Dafuq? Who is the market for this show? Is this one last attempt to aring some cash and eyeballs from my grandma’s generation? She’s been gone 17 years and would be approaching 100.

I spotted her a couple of times, walking down the street in Tribeca. She was instantly recognizable, such great style and GORGEOUS. So yeah, 10/10 will watch even though it will be a bunch of nonsense.

For some reason (because I wanted to?) I read it as she “fails at ripping a bong” and now I am entirely let down.

the Kennedy’s suck

Rule to live by: If he does it with you, he’ll do it to you.

All the lovey-dovey stuff seems a little odd to me. I thought the gossip was that they were in a really bad spot relationship-wise just before that fateful plane ride. But, never let that get in the way of playing on people’s fascination with the Kennedy clan as a way of making money, I guess.

Always a dicey proposition to meet your favorite artists.

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.

Any chance this shame will cause her and all of her kin to not appear in media anymore?

I dunno yet. If she starts saying shit in a twangy East Asian accent, I’m gonna have issues. Or if she once utters some version of “love you long time”....

Talking about screwing...How ironic would it be if a pornstar made Donald stop screwing America?

His attorney getting raided by the FBI yesterday, he is super pissed about it. Common sense should tell you that if you are going to do illegal stuff don’t include your lawyer? 

Trump will fire everyone but his daughter wife.

If I weren’t already bisexual, I would be after watching this video. DAMN.

I don’t get why the sinus issue would affect the color and consistency of his shit however.

merkel would just figure out a way to make the aliens take out a high interest loan from germany and then repossess their flying saucer.

I legit expected it to end up being a cockroach that had taken up residence.

I’m glad you told her you supported her. I’m sorry your friend behaved so terribly. That has to hurt you too, since you care about them both and have known them so long.

Or do the worst people seek out fame and power?