
I’m not convinced that Cardi is a good rapper but she does have an engaging personality. Nicki has talent, she just needs to be better at picking subjects to rap about.

Awwww extra large guinea pigs. So cute.

I’m sure the baby will appreciate the petty once it has impacted their development/relationship with their father. He’s a POS, but if he can parent, he should. Grow up.

nailed it

With Yakety Sax playing! Would have definitely changed the tone of it!

The soldiers who use food stamps are probably not going to take this well.

The idea came from greedy rich people who wanted tax cuts so they would have even more money.

Well, I may be absolutely fucked now. I’m on medicaid and receive SNAP and don’t work. Over a decade ago, while still in my teens, I came down with a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis. It has kept me essentially completely homebound since then. Last summer it got so bad that surgery couldn’t be avoided, and I had a

One day, I hope we can use the same legislative language when we submit the bill to strip him and his family members of their government pensions and healthcare coverage and bill him for his Secret Service protection costs due to fiscally responsible cuts to that budget.

Screw you, Krasinski, Emily’s my girl, mine!

Curious how this will affect my mother... her husband hasn’t been able to work in a few years due to illness which has now turned into cancer—- medicaid pays for all of it—- and is the only source of coverage for any of them.

In her case she has 4 young children to take care of- one of whom is only 3 and doesn’t go to

Can someone explain to me why this is not applied to Deadbeat Donald himself? This is the dude that golfs more than he tweets, and tweets more than he actually works. Corporate welfare bum.

FFS. Pass an infrastructure bill, reform organizations like Americorps and Teach for America to fill holes in places that need good people, incentivize the expansion of rail and bus services to places without it, expand broadband to more places, close the school to prison pipeline for PoC and poor folk, and do more

It took this big orange yutz a week to find the light switches in the White House. Russia better be ready to wait for that magic economic assistance.

so billionaires get welfare from the government but the poor need to work harder when there are no jobs to be had.

Where did the idea that poor people don’t work or want to work come from?

If this non tax paying asshole wants to close up corporate welfare loopholes first, then I will listen when he talks about regular people assistance programs. Until then, fuck this treasonous, coddled shitbird.

“Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility.” Nice bit of doublespeak there, Big Brother. As pointed out, most already work, and a large number of those that desperately need that (constantly shrinking) bit of help have dependent children - in the long run, it will cost far more than

Right, this Executive Order makes perfect sense. Forcing the poor to get low wage, dead end, unskilled jobs that won’t pay their bills is going to fix our economy. Yep, nothing else to worry about. A tiny percentage of people and corporations hold most of the country’s wealth, but let’s make it even easier for them to

I am sure he is thinking, “Now that all the illegals are gone, we will need a dirt cheap workforce.”