
Unfortunately, Hollywood isn’t the only “business” that uses hotel rooms to make hiring decisions.

RE: Affleck’s nwe home. Lately we have been given peeks inside some very wealthy homesteads, and they are all freaking WHITE. Too much white. What’s with all the white? It’s gotta be a bitch to keep clean.

For a minute there, I thought that was Caitlyn.

Someone tell me: just how do you spell Quinoa?

I enjoyed the piece they ran about The Quiet Place yesterday. The “Yeah, but..” questions challenging the logic ‘fails’ were fun. I don’t know much about this movie except that the extraterrestrials have only a sense of hearing. I can’t help but wonder why they don’t simply smack into everything. The idea of these

TLC. I don’t know who this is. But imo, they need to fuck right off. SOME gossip is fun, but most of it is harmful Shit. Yes, these two were “public figures.” But I personally knew nothing about them until their tragic deaths. When did we stop respecting those who have passed?

Good for you Jujy. Do you set your alarm to make sure of being the first commenter? I can see you - waiting for the next blog-post - holding your breath: gotta get there first.

“Fails to Rip a Bong in Video.”

“Until recently I lived in denial...”

I have only recently been willing to go down the Kardash Rabbit Hole.

“Irritate blood vessel”........maaabye. Or maybe he had some Mystery Bug that mess up all of his stuff:/

I expected a big, green and black fungus (fungi?). This happened to someone I know, and it was a horror-show.

Nah. I suspect Kris is - right now- counting the ways that this will be good for business.

Go Nicki!

Love the lyrics!

You’re a lovely human, Bernd. Thank you.

Bravo! Oh god yes, I hope so. Then again, this “Super Dude” has always scared me in a deeply intuitive way.

Whoa! I think that this is really good, and I need time to figure it out. Kudos.

NOT a fan of musicals, which makes me a blatant hypocrite because I got the juiciest parts in my high school musicals, and I loved singing and making my silly parents proud. And at that age I loved many of the televised musicals popular at the time.

Welcome back Poodles:)