
He’s probably wondering why some shithead is staring at him and taking his picture to post to her twitter feed.

This is our new reality in 2018. We are commenting on an article about an interview in which the SON of the PRESIDENT was asked-and answered-a question about the relative sizes of their penises.

I hope his ex makes his life fucking miserable.

He always look like he’s just dying to get back to gnawing on his salt lick.

If Donny Jr. wants to claim he has a brain the same size as pussy-grabbing Daddy’s, complete with all of its walnut-sized glory, that claim I can believe.

lmfao, but pleeez stop, I can’t stop laughing. I wonder if Amazon carries barf bags in quantity...

The First Family of the United States of America ladies and gentlemen!

Jesus christ these people are awful.

Big talk from a man who looks like Nosferatu’s nervous lawyer.

A variant on the old “lower your standards and anything seems good”....

This one should just not talk ever.

I’m sure Marla would prefer but Tiff likely has some daddy issues as Donny-boy has been an jackass narcissist absent parent who expressed that he wished Marla had ended the pregnancy ... which would put most anyone into therapy let alone make it hard to get oneself a decent partner/spouse.

Now playing

It’s a pity Mrs Merton is no longer with us for an interview…

I was thinking the same thing, although I do think it is the texture of a pool noodle. Also, probably one of those garish colors.

Could be worse: he could have brought up Ivanka’s opinion of their respective ‘packages’.

So, nobody’s gonna follow that answer up with “Why the fuck do you know what your adult father’s penis looks like, you absolute freak?” I mean, clearly, we need to bring Ivanka in here to call the tiebreaker...

Is he the Best Chris? Let’s never stop debating this. He’s definitely at the top. I know he’s charming and he can do serious work and silly work, but honestly when I think of Chrises I tend forget he exists.

I remember when her joining the show was announced over at io9, they implied that she’d come to the cast with a fresh new perspective on the Fringe cases.


I’m a comic and I met him just last November and he was very nice. Several comics were drinking at a bar after a show and he was friendly and buying me drinks, and no, he wasn’t sexually interested in me. Maybe my experience was different because I’m a comic? I’ve had people say I’m a horrible person before. I think