
Congrats upon your newest arrival!! I have EVERY confidence that all will be well. When it comes to the heart, these surgeons have seen so much and, as I have found, are quite intuitive during their operations. Sending internet Mother Power.

This got me through a weird Friday:

I have some extremely sexy panties (in the hamper) and will respond to any offers;)

Pfffft! No need to be fancy. “Everything is fucked up” gets it done;)

My first thought too:(

IT’S A SIGN PEOPLE!! Yay truly, the End Time for the flaxen haired piece of flaming dog doo doo is near!!

Lorde seems to be one of those singers who sings so badly that people love her (see: Chris Christophersen).

Good Post!

Agree. And it’s sneaky, but I support it.

Once upon a time, we asked the same about O.J. :/

According to my own beloved Music Man, yeah, it’s a Thing.

Is this real or are we caught in an endless April Fool’s Day loop?

Oh hell yes, Chris Evans. Also, he would say this <3

Hahahaaa. Beautiful, fellow Gray.

Yeah. That was strange. I remember the scene where she is scrolling through pages on her computer with this “Oh shit” look on her face.

I believe you.

Sorry for picking at nits, but how can you see thigh-high boots under a full length dress?

Why does one of its eyes have a green circle around it????

I could have sworn a “topiary” is a bush. I was looking forward to seeing a big green Bunny.