
Seriously, that is one grotesque lolly. I wonder who had to pick up all of the discarded ones after the kids discovered the true nature of a White House “treat.”

She will marry well.


She was also in a couple episodes of Fringe. Not terribly impressive. This commercial is much better.

Yes. But for the grace of Goddess it could be any of us.

I don’t like to sound all doomsday, but this combination always seemed like a public relations “Swiftian” match-up. Too bad a 4 year old has to deal with this. I’m guessing this is what happens when two people fuck each other with some SERIOUS cosmic chemistry. Then it bottoms out when they realize that they never had

Same. Also we don’t do Easter, so no worries, no guilt:)

Egg Hunt?

SO cruel!

Girls may start ovulating and menstruating as early as the age of nine, and successful pregnancies at the age of 56 are not very common. But you can bet that ICE will leave no room for doubt.


Welcome back, Muck!!!

NOOOOoo Primary Colors! That shit looks bad enough on a flag. And Paris Hilton.

“...and smoke electronic cigarettes, known as vaping, current and former White House officials said.”

Eh, you are not an idiot. You just expected to receive what you were promised and what you paid for. Unfortunately, this is the usual outcome:

Oh yeah, it’s a Thing

You’re a freakin genius.

I’m going to forever be a prisoner in my computer chair until I see Katy actually spit that thing out (grrr, I need to pee).

Thank You