Beagles love blueberries

K so none of my male friends have children yet but we rented a cottage last summer that had a wood stove. I was being Cottage Mom and unpacking groceries while 6 grown men tried and failed to split this one piece of timber for like 10 straight mins. (They chose one with a knot in it...inexperience showing.) At this

Drive thirty minutes in any direction from any major city in America and you are in Alabama.

I’m half-Japanese so my hair is holding all sorts of great styles... for about .1 seconds. Then it goes straight with more straight and some straight for good measure.

Keratin treatment yesterday! My hair is naturally curly and very unmanageable, since it grows in different directions. Plus, my blue looks better in straight hair.

A key characteristic of shorts, in fact where they get their name, is that they are short. The floppy flappy pseudo shorts which are the mode currently, are in fact properly called ‘stupid moron cloth flappies’.

Michelle would be a badass driving a tank, AND she could parallel park that mofo.

Come on. You know he doesn’t have the strength or stamina to be on top during sex.

A lame duck l’orange... If I may.

Over/under on number of comments in this thread being men humblebragging about how much they make their ladies orgasm and expressing disbelief that other men don’t?

umm no sorry didn’t you read the article all women like it all women like the same things getting a woman off is just like a video game up up down down ABAB down down up start

If you’re already in menopause, I think the transitive property means you can use your barren uterus as a reason to avoid all baby showers.

We need to start protesting outside of crisis pregnancy centers with pictures of carefree childless women and actual science based information.

I’m intrigued that he’s invented a glue that disintegrates when it gets peed on. Is this glue immune to menstrual flow and all other vaginal secretions, or does he think the vagina is dry and powdery, and menstruation only becomes fluid when you pee, like Kool-Aid?

Has anyone tried the good ‘ol Vulcan Nerve Pinch? Seemed effective without unnecessary drugs.

Who hasn’t found themselves thinking lately that laws need to be worded less straight-forwardly, and more like riddles posed by a troll before you can cross their bridge?

hmmmm... looks creepy. I have been using Queen Helene Mint Julep mask for years—super cheap and great smelling, feeling—and my skin always looks great afterward. But, I may give this a try.

hmmmm... looks creepy. I have been using Queen Helene Mint Julep mask for years—super cheap and great smelling,

One thing autism has been scientifically linked to is old dude sperm, but men take a strange sort of pride in their lifelong ability to knock up a slut, so we don’t talk about it much.

I applaud CNN for doing this.

This is how I always feel when I’m reading a news story on a news site and I see numerous comments saying “Oh but you won’t be hearing this in the media!” Like... this is literally the media... what you’re commenting on... you wouldn’t be making this comment if you hadn’t seen it through the media... I can’t.