
One work, one for personal. Since I have two I don't have to make the hard choice between Android and iOS.

I used to carry quite a ton of stuff, then I was able to reduce a lot of what I carry by multi-purposing things. My back thanks me now.

Still, a lot of us have reason/need for multiple smartphones. It sounds nuts, but I've got a Moto X and a iPhone 5. I don't think I could do well with just one.

Word to that, it really would be nice. Our ETF's will be a little steep, but the savings would easily pay for them in 6 months, maybe a little more if I can get my daughter to use Google Voice for texting (12 years old.. yeah).

I'm experimenting and it's going OK so far. My only gripe - so far - is that MacOS doesn't "get" the positioning right, so basically I have to tell it that the monitor is really below the laptop so as to be able to actually drag windows to it. Really annoying.

I like how that laptop is positioned relative to the monitor. I think I'll try that today with my MacBook Pro at work..

After some reading, I wondered if it was more of a Sprint thing. Really lame, considering, but in a way I understand it.

I'd be all over this for my wife and daughter - it would save us, oh, like $100/mo - but they don't support the iPhone. Please Ting, I've got two ladies with a Sprint iPhone 5 and 4S, I'll jump all over this to save some serious dough.

Don't forget a big one - where to start. For many once you get in a lot of debt, it's hard to even figure out where to pay it off, particularly with medical debt. I was there, big time, recently and still am.

You could do this using any Debian-based distro on any server, really. It's good stuff - I think I may move this direction.

Love this workspace, it's right up my alley - and similar to what I'm thinking of doing with my home office when we remodel this winter.

Agreed in volumes. We tried YNAB two years ago, and just didn't get it - which in turn meant we didn't do it. Three months ago I had enough and dedicated myself to "getting it", which has had some really great results for us. We're not perfect by any means - but our bills are paid on time, and we're starting to

I'm a serial upgrader on phones - I think I've been pretty consistently getting a new phone every six months for the past four years. That said, what I'm on now I don't see any reason to upgrade yet. My work phone (that I bought) is a Sprint Galaxy Nexus I've had since April, my second G Nex (had the G Nex on

I weighed 567 pounds in 2005, today I'm down to 268.3 all on my own. I spiraled up (down?) back to 471 in 2/2012, but lost a lot of it again. I can tell you from experience that if you're big the only way out is strict exercise and nutrition. I don't eat ever more than 2100 calories a day, and usually stick to

Looks like a Samsung Chromebook, which easily could get a whole workday of usage. Those things are awesome.

Truth is I try to spend about 0 brain cells figuring out how Facebook works so while this is painfully obvious - it's a ray of freakin' light for me. This morning I was merciless for the last 15 minutes and already I'm starting to enjoy it more. I'd basically given up on Facebook due to all the noise and the lack of

So true. As I sit here typing on my - for the next 45 minutes at least - current Gen 13in MacBook Air browsing eBay to see what it will sell for to replace it with the newest one, I realize.. I'm an idiot.

It depends - but generally yes. It doesn't have hardware h264 so it gets a little rough, so it's best to avoid it.

Don't forget the turn an original Xbox into a XBMC console trick. We've had one as our family media device for the past five years, a Xbox that I've had since 2002 (ish). Still works great for all standard def content, obviously it has nowhere near the horsepower needed for HD. Still fun, though!

I totally want to get to this point, but my problem is my ears. Hearing damage from working at a rock/strip (yes - daytime strip club, night time live loud metal) club while in college necessitates me taking a fan with me.

For business trips, though, I can get pretty small - just a backpack with a spare shirt,

Same boat, different ocean - Sprint Gnex but I love it. I've got the gigantic Seidio extended battery and it just rocks hardcore. If Sprint would get LTE so the data connection was usable, that would just complete the damn package.