
I've used, and loved, Google Music since they came out with it. In fact it's a big reason why my tablet (Nexus 7) and one of my two smartphones (Galaxy Nexus) are Android devices.

Vote: Keurig

HATERS GOONA HATE, but note that I have three french presses and a burr mill. Does the Keurig do as good a job? No, hell no. But it does a good enough job that I plop the little Starbucks K-cup in (DOUBLE HATERADE BRING IT) at 0530, hit the button, and have drink-able coffee shortly afterwards.

Just to

Hear hear. I love my french press but it's SO. MUCH. WORK. I even have the Bodum "travel press" as I got that heavy into coffee snobbery but realized I was spending soooo much time on coffee.

Yes, THIS. My 13in (current gen) Air is about to go on Craigslist so I can put the money away for a Haswell Air when they hit late June/July. Not if, when.

I used to be, and at times still am, a terrible procrastinator. To the point where in high school I was notorious for it with our counselor. Now 36, I've found the solution: Just do it.

Yeah if 12.04LTS is working for you, really, no need to fix it. All of the stuff in 13.04 will be in LTS by the time 14.04LTS hits next year, and then it will be rock solid. I'm likely going to move (back) to the LTS channel with 14.04 and just stay there going forward as some of the annoyances on the rapid channel

My guess is to give it a little bit, it will probably be fully ironed out for sure by 14.04LTS or more likely in the coming weeks. Could be a twitter API issue, or who knows what.

I can - it doesn't use much. I can't tell any difference, at least while I was using 13.04 beta, between it and Cinnamon or XFCE4. I mean if you had 2GB of RAM or less you probably want XFCE or LXDE, but any modern machine isn't going to notice it.

I was the same way, but then I just forced myself to use it and.. it grew on me. After discovering all the keyboard shortcuts and plus the new speed in 13.04, I hate to admit that I really really like it.

Well yeah. But we're getting it through a local ISP who resells the same service for less than what the cable company does, and makes a profit on top of it. So you know - sticking it to the man!

I'm so glad you decided to make that comment. I really appreciate your parenting advice. It's just so.. Internet Awesome. I bet you'll go to sleep tonight after having a perfectly balanced dinner while listening to NPR and doing your 30 minute walk around the mall to fap to how perfect you are. Am I right?

We kept it through the cable company, but just to (kind of) stick it to them we're buying it through a local ISP who has a reseller agreement with them. So not only is it cheaper for the same service, they also get less profit. Win!

Correct. During "TV Time" right before bedtime we regularly hit the two device limit on Netflix. Which is fine, really, I'm still way ahead.

I have three (young) kids and we took the plunge six months ago and ditched cable. It was, by and large, one of the smartest things we did. And it was easy, it required:

Truth in volumes. I'm not going to say that there isn't a botnet that could take down Amazon or Google, but it would be comically hard unless there's some mysterious way to circumvent the infrastructure they've built.

Truth. Source:

I've got an old 700mhz Celeron whitebox sitting in a rack in a co-lo that I'm pretty sure the co-lo has long forgotten about. It's been ghetto-updated all the way up to Ubuntu 10.04, which I'm too terrified to update it from for fear I'd have to pay the co-lo. I don't really use it for anything because it's too.

My Sprint GNex has the bigass Sedio battery and I love the thing. Screen cranked up all the way, use it all the time and I got through 17 hours yesterday and still had 44% left.

Nope. I got bored just reading about this thing thinking "man so.. my life is better now that I spend almost no time on Facebook, so I should go back to spending all my time on Facebook?"

Wait... what? You high?