
Meh. We dumped Time Warner two months ago in favor of Rokus and OTA HDTV. I haven't yet missed it, nor has the wife or three kids. Granted the whole streaming limit with Netflix is annoying, but having two netflix accounts at $20/mo is a hell of a lot less than what we were paying TWC.

A buddy has a early '00s Ranger XLT with the most basic drivetrain ever: 2wd, 4 cylinder, 5 speed. I have no idea how many miles it has now, well over 150k if I'm remembering, and he's a bricklayer. So it gets worked, hard. Damn thing just won't break.

Hear hear. I cringed when he said "over 3,000 RPM" as I realized that in a city, in those cars, there is no reason to ever exceed that. And I'm a gearhead. My PICKUP TRUCK rarely gets above 2,500 in the city.

Now that's interesting, I had no idea they were that thrifty. I had figured around 100-125w, but looks like I was a bit high.

"Palm failed to capitalize on the deal".. did I miss this thing called the Treo, which came after the PDQ and the Kyocera palm-powered devices?

How much does it really save you? I considered doing that very thing instead of running the two servers I have in our house, but the power savings would have taken 3-5 years to pay for the cost of the machine. Right now I'm at around 250-300 watts for the two server I have, where I estimated a Ivy Bridge would still

Protip: Get rid of the stuff you pay for while it still has value, but keep an eye out for gems that others are getting rid of. Example, I have a IronPort C150 "email security appliance" that a company was simply throwing away because it's "worthless" without the license. Yet after some work replacing the bios,

I actually do often, yes. Safari is for work stuff, Chrome for personal, Firefox for testing. It's not uncommon for me to have dozens of tabs open in all three.

You think that's good? Go to Sog's bar in Yuba Wisconsin (Pop: 81, one of three bars) to watch DA GREEN BAY PACKERS.

I spent the ages of 17 to about 23 driving a similar truck for the company that - ironically - I'm now a highly paid IT consultant for. Back then I wasn't, just young with a heavy right foot and no fear. So I can say without doubt they will:

Hear hear on the multi-monitor thing. That one spread when high res density wasn't commonplace. Me, like many, I prefer a single high res display. My EliteBook has a 1600x900 14in panel and my MacBook Pro has a 1680x1050 15in panel. I'd consider both of those the bare minimum as to what I'd use or consider

Not likely, it seems to be a bit CPU heavy as well as RAM. FWIW I have one setup for my kids, and it's running on a dual 8-core Opteron machine (dual 6128's) with 8GB of RAM provisioned for it. RAM is a bit high, I could easily get by with 2GB, but with four or five players I've seen it load the system up to 20-30%

I'll admit that this has made me have a serious want for a FR-S or BR-Z. I've wanted a current-gen M3 forever, but I realize I'll never be able to part with M money and M maintenance so the hoonage potential being similar in a FR-S just at lower speed is.. brilliant.

The original was indeed quite good, and the SC300 could even be ordered with a manual box. Which made it essentially a non-turbo Supra, and totally good. At least about as good as you could get for the time.

You missed another huge benefit of this - if you keep the battery, you have a built in UPS. Granted your battery will eventually go bad, but eBaying another for $20-60 is a quick answer to that.

Score -1: Troll

I'm really on the fence on it. On my PC Laptop (HP EliteBook) it's *fast*, like really really fast. Fast like it makes Windows 7 look like a 486 fast - and i keep this machine pretty damn clean. It also gets much better battery life. So with those two things, it's a win.

What's sad about Windows RT is how bad of a failure it's going to be looking back. Microsoft screwed up by not differentiating it enough from Windows on the desktop, and by announcing it way too early.

Bingo. With my work phone (Sprint) I get whatever smartphone Sprint gives us for free, anything beyond that I have to pay for. I've been pretty strategic about my devices choices and been able to go from HTC Touch —> HTC Hero —> Samsung Moment —> BlackBerry Bold —> HTC EVO 4G —> Samsung Nexus S —> Samsung Galaxy

I stay pretty current because, well, it makes upgrades free. I sold my iPhone 4 for a profit compared to what I got my iPhone 5 for. I traded my Galaxy Nexus in with Sprint on a 4S, for a profit. I traded my Nexus S in straight across for my Galaxy Nexus - you get the idea.