
Oh I remember, and while 95 was a big leap it was still a nightmare. What's funny is that OS/2 Warp was a awesome product, it just suffered from hardware and app compatibility. Nobody supported it, even though it was rock solid and rocking.

Yes, but we're not talking about Apple right now, are we? Why don't we go ahead and list HP, Dell, and Sony f-ups as long as we're going down Troll-80..

I should have clarified - I'm thinking more of the legacy apps. A lot of those will be left out, and it could be a Big Deal. Plus most of the new ones are going to require that the user use IE 10 to access the Win32 API's - hello walled garden. You know, you have to use IE 10 for Metro, and you have to get the app

I did, and those are very valid points. But - difference there is that with Xbox they undercut the existing market and launched with a lot of games and studios on board. 360 was another one that was a huge hardware loss leader, but they launched it with game compatibility with the original Xbox (most of them, but

Not really, the UI is completely new and in RT's case a completely new codebase. The latter is really what makes me nervous, as it's not yet clear if developers are going to port their x86 apps to ARM.

I had a Compaq tablet at one point and I really tried to like it, but we ended up returning it to CDW 29 days into the 30 day window we had at the time.

Also please consider Microsoft's track record regarding hugely new and different platforms from their core:

Just do... something to improve the service. I have both Verizon and Sprint currently, and had AT&T in the past. Sprint has - by far - the most customer friendly employees and policies, but holy crap is their data ever slow. My Verizon iPhone 4 was pretty acceptable on 3G, I never really could complain.

Repeat 1 times 1,000, rinse, repeat again. Seriously, that's what I've come to do. People are so polarized that really - why care? Who should really give that much of a shit if Android phone x is better than Competitor y? WHY TYPE IN ALL CAPS BECAUZ OMG APPLE WALLED GARDEN OPEN SOURCE DEBIAN KERNAL COMPILAN?

I still to this day remember my Dad lugging his old Compaq "portable" (suitcase!) through the airport. Damn thing was bigger than his suitcase.

I do believe that there is much to be said about this, yet here's my question. I have a nice pair of (very) high quality glasses I got from my optician (like real eye doctor, not Lens Crafters). They have the new Crizal lenses that report to do much of the same. Didn't believe it until I got them, and wow - the

I replied direct, but, I should have gone a similar route - and still might. I sort of mostly kick myself for getting a loaded late 2011 15in MacBook Pro in January to attempt to do everything in one spot. It's got 16GB of RAM, both a 128GB SSD and 750GB HDD, the matte display, and even the fastest i7 you could get.


I sort of kick myself for my MacBook Pro. I have the late 2011 model, 15in, completely loaded (Matte screen, upgraded i7, SSD, 16GB of RAM) with a 23in IPS external LCD at work - mainly to handle FCPx. You can well imagine what the cost of it was.

Oooh I've not yet tried the Ambrosia, but the Jazz is good as well. It's up there.

I just had to re-stock this morning on some gorgeous honeycrisp from the store.

Nope, in the good old US of A. They are something to behold. Seriously, I'm a bit of a apple nut - and man I love the Tango.

There's plenty of us out here that are willing to pay for the quality and performance. I'm seriously considering one as a replacement for my HP EliteBook, to be the PC side of my "stable". My other laptop is a loaded 15in late 2011 MacBook Pro.

Honeycrisp? Sweet Tango? Pink Lady?

I have a pair of Sennheiser HD-518's which replaced some SR-225's which replaced SR-60's.