
I love love love the T3i. I use mine with a 50mm prime lens for both video and photos, and the results never cease to amaze me.

Want worse? Try Windstream. They make Time Warner seem downright *great* in comparison.

Yes, unless you plan to go the speed limit, or within 10% of the speed limit, stay off the road. And for the love - stay out of the left lane.

Depends. My old 1992 F-150's? Sure, neither had the ratios to really take advantage of it, nor did they have anything resembling aerodynamics. And the 300 I-6 on one of them, well, it just didn't have the poweerrr to hold 75+ in overdrive if there was anything resembling "hills" or "wind".

I always had a Android phone and an iPhone, the former mainly because of Navigation and Maps. Seriously.

I first used Maps yesterday both on my iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 for turn-by-turn nav. Note that I just replaced my Galaxy Nexus last week, and had been a heavy Google Nav user.

I'm not terribly surprised given that Apple has to bear the brunt of warranty claims when it can't prove a $2 eBay power cable killed a device. This has become commonplace for Dell and HP. My EliteBook, as an example, will boot just fine on a third party cable - but it will ramp up every power saving measure it has

Dell and HP both do this, and both laptops will run in "reduced functionality/power" mode if you do it. Or like my EliteBook, will run at about 1Ghz with all the power reducing aids set to "super duper prius friendly".

OMG LOOK AT U GO. Now you can go in with your forum buddies and talk about how hardocre you trolled the Apple nerds whilst masturbating to Sergey fanporn with your S3 stuck up your ass (in a big rubber).

Man that stinks! I really wanted a black 32, but they had nothing in 32's, and only had white 16's and black 64's. That said, I'm rather happy with my white 16, and while it might kind of annoy me to have to actively manage my storage - I'll live :)

Our VZW store was kind of comical. They were handing out numbers but the point of it was um, lost on me as I showed up at 7;52 and was number 16. Regardless! There were folks who had been there all night, then after they got their number they went to their cars to rest, I guess.

You hit it on the head, unfortunately. I'll stick with Sprint for my work phone because I love our account team, love the CS team, and love the pricing. I'm just hopeful that when the LTE network is built out it will free up bandwidth on the EVDO spectrum.

I believe it's fair as right now the VAST majority of Sprint's market area is still CDMA. So had he tested with Sprint LTE, everyone would have blasted him for that.

Hear here. I've been a consistent Android + iPhone user for the past three years, having the flagship of both. In fact i switched to straight Android with the HTC EVO 4G and man, I was happy - I still maintain that is one of my favorite overall phones, ever.

I admit, I'm a shameless fanboy. Or I just like the iPhone. You decide. I woke up this morning and showed up to the Verizon store at the crack of 7:52 (they opened at 8) to get place 16 in line for a iPhone 5. Got my white 16GB version and I'll be honest, I'm happy. LTE is gloriously wonderful in volumes I can't

You know, I can't wait for people to start yelling on their phones over the sound of the plane in flight. I really can't wait. Not at all.


Pretty easy, well, kind of:

I've always thought line sitting, and waking up at 2am to order it to be.. lame. I tried to order mine at the crack of 9:30 on Friday, after they were sold out, so I called the local Verizon store and they said they'd have 'em on the 21st, and if they ran out they'd get more 2-3 days later. So I'll go over there at