
Several years ago my work phone was an HTC Touch. I believe I hit the limit of assurion replacements as generally about wednesday or thursday I'd become so frustrated with it rebooting itself when a call would come in, that I'd huck the bitch into the hallway.

Hear hear. I'll go to the Verizon store two blocks away from work at 9am on the 21st. If I get it, I get it but if not I'll just order it and wait for them to get a shipment in. No worries, my 4 still works fine.

Yeah well guess what smarty-Verizon-pants. I'm on a business plan so I'm just going to order my iPhone 5 on someone else's line, and activate it on mine.

Have you seen those Home Depot sheds after a couple years? Probably not, because they're falling apart.

Wait, did he murder people? Defraud the public of a country? Bankrupt an entire country and cost millions of jobs?

You know, I think I've seen that before. I can't remember where, some store.. lots of them. Had a fruit on it.

Hear hear. They and eBay have adopted practices that downright infuriate me, as a seller utilizing both sites frequently. There's generally no recourse whatsoever for sellers, and it's became scam haven for "buyers". I can't tell you how many times I've had to dispute negative feedback posted by non-paying bidders

AND he did Konis, lowered it, replaced hubs for different wheels, customized the rear (like a CRX, except you could probably put stuff on it and actually not have the cardboard collapse), and overall did a badass job on a car many would forget.

As a father this both completely tears me up and restores my faith in humanity. I'm very proud to be a Jalop today, and proud of the world. Sent a tweet to Clarkson (@jclarksonesq), maybe the TG crew can get there?

So what level is it if your home network is protected by a PIX-515 running ASA code, you run your banking in a OpenBSD VM, and you only store partial passwords in encyrpted files?

I always had musclecars and sports cars when I was young, and never really understood pickups. Then in '98 I got my first one, a '92 F-150. Since then that's all I've owned - and now I completely understand them.

Yeah no. I have no problem being practical and whatever - hence why I own a minivan - but said minivan drives nothing like my quad cab 4x4 V8 powered pickem-up-truck. Whole different ballgame. It's boring and uninspiring and feels like a tall Taurus GL.

Magic 8 ball say.. no SHO Wagon ever made!

NP to the point where I'm seriously considering renting a Aveo and leaving it in Denver to drive this sweetheart back. SERIOUSLY considering it.

I bought my first Mac in early (like January) 2002, had to play nice with my best friend's soon-to-be-ex-wife to get her to user her student discount at the university computer store for me. Got a base model 500mhz iBook G3 (12 inch), and still own it to this day. It's probably the best laptop I've ever owned as

Naa 15, but not in a Charger. When I was younger I was quite the road warrior, but an encounter with the Missouri State Patrol in the late '90s changed my ways. *shudder*

My best rental story also involves a rental Charger. Last year I had a work junket in Boulder, CO which is close enough to home that flying takes not that much less time than driving. Especially if you have fun co-workers. They were going to fly out of Omaha. One was flying out of CA. I would be driving. We have

For VM's I've got Windows 7 64bit and Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, both run amazingly well. I've also in the past had a couple Ubuntu Server images, but am rather spoiled now in that I have a couple of Linodes ( for that kind of stuff.

Skip Parallels entirely and go with VirtualBox. I paid for Parallels and I feel like a stupid idiot for doing so as it does nothing but annoy me. VB, OTOH, is free and works awesome.

I actually do it the "soft" way with my early 2011 15in Pro. I'm using VirtualBox and switch to fullscreen Ubuntu when I'm in the mood for it. Honestly it's fast as hell, but granted I also have a machine with every single upgrade box ticked to the max, so yeah.