
My title is corporate speak for lead web developer/manager. Basically I am in control of the websites for my company, which are in turn the central focus of our business. So.. fun stuff!

Bravo! I'm actually moving back that direction myself, for many a year - 2001 to 2007 in fact - my only computing devices were Macs and Linux PC's. It was faaaaaaaantastic. Now I'm basically back there, and moving further back. Trying to use things that are as open as possible, or as free as in freedom as

Yeah no. I hate having my own office most times. I work better when I'm involved with others, and deeply miss my desk in our "heldpesk boiler room" when I'd go hang with them. Private offices are where good minds go to die, I'm personally hoping that when we move corporate offices, it's something like this.

We've had a minivan (Chrysler, loaded to the gills even with the Infinity stereo, two air conditioners, and the big 3.8 V6) for the past five years, and we're done with it. It breaks a lot (they all do, as far as I can tell), looks like a vasectomy on wheels, gets about the same gas mileage as my 4.7 V8 powered 4x4

Oh I'm sure it did, he did say - at the time - that the manual Camaros they didn't run as patrol units, only slicktops. Patrol units were all automatics, or were manuals but then taken out of service to be replaced with something else. So yeah, all Trooper cars were auto 9C1 Camaros, or SSP Mustang LX's with auto or

Hah yeah, I wasn't sure so I threw it out there. I've got that email thread - I'm a ridiculous email pack rat - so I'll shoot it back your way again. Hey man, I know all abou it. You can read back a few posts in my blog and see that early this year I was up pretty high - 471 in Feb. Now I'm down to right around

I get it at Walgreen's and while it isn't the cheapest, it can last quite a bit. One large sized bottle would get me 2-3 weeks of daily use, so it wasn't the most terrible cost in the world. I'm sure if you shop online (amazon) you could probably get it a lot less, but beware of really cheap/crappy brands.

It's one of those perks that come with being valued (seriously). I could make (probably a lot) more money somewhere else, but this and other perks I have - plus a general complete acceptance of my choice of transportation to the point where my bike stays inside the building in the main hallway - are intangibles worth

David - The Trek 930 is a classic-ly awesome commuter rig, which is funny for me to say as when I was a pre-teen/early teen the 930 was the MTB that *everyone* wanted. With slicks that's going to give you a similar ride to the LHT, ironically.

Actually.. the 350 WAS available with a 5-speed, but only the police version. And honestly I have no idea how many of them were available or how wide they were spread. I do know that my cousin who was/is a State Trooper had a white '91 or '92 Camaro slicktop for a number of years and resisted them taking it back. I

I do it every day, and I think the things that save my butt are that: I live (very) close to work, and I have my own personal shower room at work. Also, a rack and panniers are invaluable as is a high quality bike.

If you set up two factor authentication on your Gmail account, you're fine. That's essentially turning it into a password + one time key account (a la RSA SecurID), which is impossible to hack unless someone gets access to your recovery device.

No, they already had that. They got it through Amazon (CC), and then The Internet.

Okay, I will agree fully with this. I'd rather they use the energy to innovate and fix the stuff that's broken - spammers in particular.

Hear hear. I could see all of this - the points behind it, in Craigslist's mind - if they'd actually CREATED THE CONTENT. Say, for example, a site re-posting Amazon listings without their consent. Amazon can, and should sue them. Or eBay. Or even a site that built itself up on aggregating used car listings from

Bingo. It's also amazing how cheap it is. Many complain they can't afford it, can't afford good security and hardware. A PIX 515E with a VPN accelerator runs < $100, and frankly anyone with Google skills enough to comment on Giz can figure out how to set it up. Then just get some halfway decent hardware, put it

It's scary how common this is, I almost - almost - got bit HARD by this. I'm still recovering, and frankly - thank you Giz and Mat for exposing this. I've just gone through removing the iCloud account from one Mac, and will do from a second as soon as I get to work tomorrow. I applaud you for making this public as

I can completely agree. And unfortunately I can't comment any further than to say this is more alarmingly common than you would like to know. Think business offerings based on free offerings from big Internet companies.

VOTE: Gigabyte GM-M6800

This is now my go-to work music. I'd previously alternated between several Pandora stations, my Rdio account, and my Google Music library much to my annoyance and having to manage.