
Vote: procmail

Even worse? I knew of a 427 Galaxie XL that was literally doing the same thing, yet the owner refused to sell it. Literally refused. And I can tell you, because I was the one offering, said owner was given a very substantial offer considering the car was still fully intact and generally rust free beyond the

Less than a work day. Meaning, if it can't last me from when I leave my house at 7am until I get home at 5pm I consider that bad. With the EVO, generally they required charged overnight and then once around Noon or 1pm with the stock ROM.

Only tried it once in Denver, CO, and it seemed to work just fine. Speed test was pretty fast and all that.

I'm still a huge fan of CyanogenMod, even though I don't run it on my device any longer. After I got the Nexus S I was tempted due to the frustratingly terrible battery life of the 2.3 install, but with the ICS it's simply fantastic. So I'm leaving it stock, which is OK.

Bingo. Hell that's why I bought a T3i. I know the basics, and sure do want a 5D, but damn if I'm that guy

I have a 60D with the kit lens and a 1.4 and 1.8 50MM lens. I know a rather wealthy fellow who recently got himself a 1D with a couple L lenses.

I have a 60D. I think I just got ooooowwwnnnneedd

I rarely take vacations anymore as I have two jobs, and just trying to coordinate a couple hours off between the two can be a bit of a nightmare. Plus, I find that with the daily mayhem I get into a daily pattern to deal with it, if I get out of that pattern - all hell breaks loose.

I said it about the IPO, I'll say it again - this is the beginning of the end for Facebook. Thanks to said IPO and overvaluation, they're likely bringing this up scared. Meaning, they know they have to achieve some pretty extraordinary returns on the value Wall Street placed on them, so they're going to do whatever

I don't see it, at least not in California where I'm sure a substation is as close as 30 miles away. Also I rented a Charger last year, and wow that trunk is a cavern. I mean seriously it seems like the perfect patrol car.

I'm still blown away with the capability in the snow. I've always owned F-150s prior to this, and always RWD because I didn't want to deal with the maintenance and fuel overhead of 4x4's. Always got around "just fine".

I'm a tall big dude, and I flew in my first Airbus ever this year after having Airbus Hate for the past.. forever since I saw the airshow video where one auto landed itself into some trees.

I too have a White MacBook - late 2009 - that has 8GB of RAM and a Intel SSD. I also have a two month old completely loaded (16GB RAM, SSD, upgraded i7, Matte Display) 15in MacBook Pro. Since I installed the SSD in my MacBook I've not had many complaints about it, but wow, the MBP is unreal.

Knocking on wood, I've had a Intel X-25M Gen 2 in my white late 2009 MacBook for over 2 years now with nary a hiccup. I've got a Crucial C300 in my Pro that is probably a year old (was used for a couple months previously in the PC laptop that preceded it). So far so good, and I'm not exactly easy on them.

Hear hear. That is specifically what I love about this car. I mean seriously, what regular rodder thinks of turbocharging a Slant Six? Nobody! They have already ditched the six and are trying to figure out what to swap in place of it.

In my comment I posted the very thing. My '03 that I got two years ago today, I'll never sell it. Which is ironic because previously I was not a small truck fan, Dodge/Chrysler fan, or extended cab pickup fan. Yet there it is in the garage, a Quad Cab '03 with a 4.7 and 4x4. I've definitely fallen for it, and

If I didn't have what I have, I'd have to agree. The F-Series has always been good for me.

For a bit in the mid '90's I took some classes at a school that also had a very healthy automotive program. They had a locked area where all the cars were kept, and they had some downright gorgeous vehicles. The GM lot in particular had quite a few LT1 Camaros, and two mid-90's Vettes - a ZR1 and a regular. All