
I am not a GM or Camaro OR 69 Camaro fan but.. YES. If I had enough money to even consider it, I'd buy it. Why?

KIND OF cool? In that the Pope is KIND OF Catholic. Or that Texas is kind of Patriotic. Or maybe that they kind of have beer in Wisconsin.

This one. Not a model, just, this one. This is mine and honestly? I've fallen in love with it. Which makes no sense whatsoever because I like fast engaging vehicles, and I've never been a fan of Chrysler products. One of my kids asked me the other day how long I would keep it and my instant and honest answer was

FINALLY got it on my Sprint Nexus S 4G and honestly? It transformed the phone. I was actually using a BlackBerry Curve 8330 when the ICS update was released because of battery life, or rather lack thereof. Stock the Nexus S is great but even disabling everything the battery life was just downright horrendous. Not

My only curiosity is regarding the glare on the monitors. I love the way that glossy displays look, but the glare gives me headaches. I had a couple HP LCD's that were absolutely gorgeous glossy displays, but I had to finally ditch them because of glare and eyestrain.

Heavily likely, that's the goal! :)

Pro Touring anything with a lumpy cam and flowmasters. It would be.... awesome.

We have a few Google TV's (Sony) in some of our offices and honestly? I'm thinking of getting one at home. It's pretty awkward and at times infuriating, but it's got some solid points to it to. If they had a more solid keyboard/input device they'd be absolutely killer.

Aaaaand if you're looking for the beginning of the end of Facebook? Here it is!

You sir, are a man among men. As stated most just would ride by, or go a "safe distance" and call the cops. Nope, not Brent Rose, you just jumped right in and saved the dude from more ass kicking by taking it yourself.

+1 to what jbarr said. Ironically while most don't allow it on the residential side, many don't care on the business side - to an extent. Time Warner, for example, doesn't care as long as you don't violate their abuse policy, and as long as it's not publicly advertised or sold.

I did this from 2004-2007. During that time I had a third floor apartment somewhat across the street from work. Not directly, but I (barely) had line of sight to work's main building from my balcony. I had a bridge (Senao) and a directional antenna that pointed at the window to our warehouse, in which we had some

Hear hear. When I'm riding my bike, Rdio and Pandora are perfect through the cheap iPhone earbuds. If I'm in my office using my Logitech speaker dock, same thing.

More often than not I listen to Soma FM at work, with Pandora being secondary. If I like something, generally I'll hit up Rdio and add it to my collection. Right now we have a Rdio family unlimited plan that I'm paying like $30/mo for four people to have accounts on.

Bingo. I'd rather they work on biodiesel friendly small powerful diesels for the domestic market than this. Regardless of how efficient they are, you're still burning a finite resource. If the automakers had any sense about them, they'd invest everything they could in algae-based biodiesel.

For whatever reason I can't respond to your message, so I'll go here. I'd start with this forum post, about halfway down (or just search through the page for "Cricket":

I absolutely and positively love Linode. I've been using them for some rather high traffic (around a quarter million pageviews/day) work applications that are embedded in our main sites, and couldn't be happier. Currently for work I have three Linodes (two HTTP + one MySQL) that run like banshees every day all day.

I absolutely and positively love Linode. I've been using them for some rather high traffic (around a quarter million pageviews/day) work applications that are embedded in our main sites, and couldn't be happier. Currently for work I have three Linodes (two HTTP + one MySQL) that run like banshees every day all day.

Well I can fully admit that part, and went into it with full knowledge of that. I said to myself back when I first bought Apple "this may work, or I may be out 10 grand". Luckily I wasn't, and I've been a shareholder now for over 10 years. Note the luckily there. I also didn't sell everything off when we bought

You missed the part about traction control, and he didn't add stock tires. With something more grippy and the electronic nannies off, I'm guessing we'll see very low 11's if not high 10's out of these cars once they start hitting the track.