
That comic, while awesome, is actually not a correct application to a public university’s enforcement of policies in regards to free speech. Texas A&M is, as a public school, the government. In many cases, disciplining students for their speech is actually a violation of free speech (or has the potential to be).

Hate to say it...but 2022. 2020 election will be with current districts as census reapportionment won’t have happened yet.

//Lady Gaga Sings Real Good//

While I do think that Bernie will be able to accomplish some things, I’m a little less impressed by his response to questions about the feasibility of his legislative agenda which kind of just hopes that people will kick the assholes out of Congress.


Counter counterpoint:

If people keep sending them dildos, it’s only a matter of time before they turn those dildos into weapons like dildo nunchuks or a giant dildo bat.


At the corner of happy and healthy!

As far as I’m concerned, he Congo any time he wants. Don’t let the door hit Djibouti on your way out.

“How Kenya even stand yaself?”

Old school pun time.

No, the Dems caved to GOP opposition and that’s why we don’t have single-payer healthcare. The Dems kept trying to get the GOP on board, and it never worked, and only hampers the reforms’ effectiveness.

I don’t understand how BS has fooled so many people after we’ve seen the 7 years of President Obama’s battle with congress. It is literal foolishness and folly to believe that we will get single-payer healthcare within the next two years AT LEAST, especially with an anti-Wall Street candidate in a climate that fosters

So you’re comparing Ricky Gervais to Ghengis Khan and the Mongol Empire.

HP didn’t have misfortunes? What is she on about? Harry had to live in a closet under a staircase! His parents were murdered!

But that’s actually a misleading statistic because it looks at how many people are there total at any one time rather than how many people are entering the prison system because of drugs. In other words, violent offenders are more likely to serve long prison terms, so they make up a higher percentage of the prisoners

Yep. I love the Bible. Love it. All of it. Which book is my favorite? All of them, any of them, really. The story of the wooden boy becoming a human — what an extraordinary parable. And, the, um, what do you call it?, psalm about God being the wind beneath our wings. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I think that was my

The current estate tax deduction is $5.3M. You call a family with a $5.3M estate “middle class”?

Definitely nazi best idea.

Really, we just need to reinstate Reconstruction. The South ran great when Southern whites couldn’t vote and the Northern army was running the show.