Looking at demographics, Indiana is about as white as Minnesota an Wisconsin.
Looking at demographics, Indiana is about as white as Minnesota an Wisconsin.
Are you saying that Serena used steroids to get to the top? Hot take.
“She called you daddy for 18 years, now it’s our turn.”
“In Mississippi, if you cheer at a graduation, you might catch a charge.” Catch a charge, catch a dick. This site’s getting to be a dangerous place for a germaphobe.
Drink harder then.
Micturo ergo sum.
Gay marriage matters because it affects men. Rich white ones. If a rich white man determines that one of his women needs an abortion he’ll get her one. But the very idea that she should make that determination herself without his knowledge and permission is TERRIFYING!!!
Kansas now is Wisconsin in 5 years.
“Candygram for Nigel...”
"Madonna has built her entire career on passing off other people's innovations as her own and making sure the original authors of things don't get as much credit for their work as she does." -Hillary Clinton
CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: I don't mind Daylight Savings Time! Because that means it's the unofficial start of Springtime! And it's light out later in the day! There is nothing wrong with that.
How come librarians are cool and libertines are fun, but libertarians are neither cool nor fun? Discuss.
The scientific validity of this study has unfortunately been compromised by a small sample size.
If there was only a way to not just measure the quantity of bills passed by female senators but also the quality - meaning the effect of said bills on the general public. Without information about the latter, the former doesn't tell much.
It's all the will of the invisible poopy hand.
When someone asks if you're a god, you say YES
Constitutionally guaranteed rights are still ultimately up to popular demand, just in the much longer term (people electing presidents who appoint SC justices).
re: American Sniper