

Drink bleach, Boomer.

I’m not sure what the end game is. You might say, “justice for one woman is a noble end in and of itself.” I admire people who hold that sentiment, sincerely.

This whole can be boiled down to one simple line: people fear change. 

Women, specifically white women.

Fair enough. If I went god mode, I’d go for far more radical changes that would turn states into nothing more than administrative units, and I’d just go with a straight parliamentary-style democracy rather than our constitutional system. I was selecting for policies that I think would stick long-term with my “Emperor

I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.

I mean, there’s a serious legal question about whether Congress has the authority to impose conditions on ratification of a constitutional amendment beyond that expressly provided for in the constitution. There isn’t any question that an effort to start from scratch is doomed to fail. Winning a legal argument for an

I don’t necessarily disagree with everything she says about the 2016 stuff, but her campaign in 2008 wasn’t sweetness and light. Also, discounting Bernie’s present-day supporters is myopic.

Addendum: many of Biden’s supporters are from the African-American community. I doubt very highly that, if Biden loses the Democratic nomination, any significant percentage of them will vote for the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people.

I want to buy this, but I don’t. If the US were still a British colony at the time of the US civil war, Southern slaveowners would likely have bought support for slavery from British nobles. And as for the system being better run, maybe, but maybe the system would have just been undermined by the same people who’ve

So, wait, is this you admitting you don’t care if burning it all down results in 4 more years of Trump?

His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.

Of course my “utopia” contains violence; I’m a woman and a POC.  The privileged white men who make up most of Splinter commenters don’t have a clue what it’s like to be a real world victim.

Because accepting that there is nothing that can be done to keep better track of such large sums of money is unacceptable.

This politics is defined entirely by imagined political enemies. Don’t ever try to change anyone’s mind, just try to find middle ground between yourself and the median Republican voter and emphasize it.

Nick Foles seems to do it just fine.

Oh jeez, man. I haven’t really boned up on my Con law since law school. So I’m rusty.

The original Gerrymander was to benefit the Democratic-Republicans in 1812 so... uh... hmn...