
That they stab eagles in the heart makes these guys a great new mascot candidate for the Washington Football Team. Also, maybe to ease the transition, the “Washington Loons” provides an endless supply of lame dad jokes to dead-end Skins fans.

I have been in general agreement with this, but those pictures from Memorial Day make me question the assertion that this is primarily predicated on Capital’s nefarious schemes. Over time, “propaganda machine to herd the rubes into line” is going to be doing a lot of work if we stick to this theory. At least half of

Is this something we’re going to have to wait until he’s out of office to talk about?

Secondly, what exactly is the plan here? spend the rest of your life wracked with guilt and miserable?

Grandma Got Corona from a Crank, Dear

It’s fine for this election, but some day soon we have to get over this “BUT TRUMP” framework. Someday he’s not going to be here to kick around anymore.

The final straw was when Charles Woodson kept intercepting their kids when Jay would drop them off at day care.

Let’s not lose sight of the real victim here: the salesperson at the Lamborghini dealership.

If this is indeed a ratfuck, getting Joe to go Open Kimono with his files was always the endgame.

Cordarrelle Patterson, is that you?

[taps mic] this thing on?

How am I supposed to drink bleach when I can’t read the label? Joke’s on you.

So none of you shitlibs cared when every single Chicagoan lined up asscheek to elbow for blocks around the Loop just to cut a single strand of Lori Lightfoot’s hair, but Mike Pence visits one measly clinic and you freak out like someone just tried to feed you foie gras.

To be honest, I think Biden will ultimately vote for whatever can get through committee in a Democratic Congress. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think he’ll adapt in an attempt to forge some sort of legacy.

Honestly - and I’m not trying to be a smartass here - it’s more like Roy Moore’s election. Republicans could have vacated Kavanaugh’s nomination and put up somebody else, but they refused to do that because they felt (ostensibly) like that set a pernicious precedent. For Moore, though, it was too late to replace him

Good comment, but I think the answer is pretty much that easy.

Nobody around here seems willing to entertain the thought that we might have to make a similar, yet maybe more Roy Moore-ish choice someday in which a dubious Democratic presidential candidate faces a replacement-level Republican who hasn’t (to our knowledge) sexually assaulted anyone. Trump won’t be our foil forever.

Is that better yet?


Any hard-up celebrities in the market for a veteran journeyman husband? For like a year?