
The actions on the screen happen before his voice commands them to. Plus others have already pointed out the curious way filmed this in the first place.

do you guys think they'll take out the optical drive like they did in the Mac Mini last year?

you can't that's what she said yourself you lame-o...

well the fact that it doesn't look to be releasing at the same time as The New iPhone bums me out. That means it won't essentially be the New iPhone without cell capabilities... it's not like they're going to blow the reveal of the new iPhone design on the iPod touch. I almost wish they'd turn the iPod touch into the

ugh, no one is getting my joke :( Terminator is a series sabout time travel and things that happen in the future. ::sigh::...

"In discussing the possibility of doing another Terminator movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's open to it but suggests it's not something that will happen anytime in the near future."

ok so clearly this TV spot gives us a much more clear view of the villain army...any of you comic book experts able to tell me who it is Loki seems to have under his command?

it honestly feels like it's been more abundant lately. I had a big argument in the comments just 3 weeks ago about cure's for cancer..and how if scientists could create a high volume and inexpensive cure for cancer next week - would hospitals want to give it out? so much money goes to cancer research, cancer treatment

I wish they would rebuild the Astrodome for something...not sure what. But i hope they dont just implode it.

has anyone figured out what www.totalrekall.com actually is? When you watch the end of the trailer, it shows the movie's website but at first its spelled "rekall" and then it quickly changes to "recall". The website is owned by Sony and wants you to put in your phone number....

no word yet in morning spoilers about the Back to the Future remake rumor that's been swirling around the last couple days?

Surprised you haven't taken heat from others for saying this yet. I agree with you 100% though. App developers want to make money. Simple math — more iPad owners means that's where the money is!

I'm able to see both sides of the situation — truely I am. However I'll full admit I am jaded because my mother has been fighting with breast cancer for the better part of the last 18 months..she just finished her last radiation treatment. After realizing how much money my parents have paid the hospitals,doctors,and

More space they can use for something else? What about the dozen Oncologists the hospital would have on staff? The equiptment they use that probably costs more than my house. DemonoftheFall above isn't exaggerating, often times hospitals add entire wings to the facility that are FAR larger than any other wing.

Insurance companies and hospital administrators don't want things like this to become reality. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been both spent, and made, to treat various types of cancer. Entire wings of hospitals are dedicated to this. Now if they find out that this whole thing can be effectively treated and..(i

I'm so conflicted because..exploring a place like that is something I have ALWAYS wanted to do...but my conflict is that I'm suuuper claustrophobic.

He touched down on the ocean floor, but did he touch down on the floor of the deepest point? I'm not being a smart alec either i honestly don't know.

steve jobs was insanely passionate about what it meant to be a brand. It had everything to do with trust, and the emotions that you felt when you knew a certain product was made by Apple. He felt like if you bought an apple product, you should be able to trust Apple that you might a good purchase decision.

This is actually pretty upsetting to me...i thought Steve laid out a very clear game plan for the company, for AT LEAST the next five years. It hasn't even been a year since his passing and their already going against his better judgement?

many people have said "best $1 I spent today." I'll do you one better..I'm playing the Mac version on my 40 in monitor..this is the best $5 I've spent today. Rovio improved the game at every angle..yet kept true to the series. So addicting..