Do we know if Arms and Splatoon exist within a shared universe?
Do we know if Arms and Splatoon exist within a shared universe?
Splatoon 2 test fire, and Breath of the Wind!
I saw him play this weekend in the D-League against the Iowa Energy. He did not look impressive. Wasn’t even the best player from Kansas on the court. Wayne Selden Jr. looked really good. So did Wes Washpun.
My gym teacher made the same offer in Iowa back in the early 2000's — so this must just be a gym teacher thing.
During the All-American game, one of the special rules is you aren’t supposed to pressure or blitz a field goal kick. The referees missed it, this should have been called back.
I’ll be playing Rainbow 6 Siege, they just released their new update Operation Red Crow and I absolutely love this game.
Has a company ever bought something like this from a fan and released it on an official capacity?
It’s cool, and I'll probably buy one - but how much better would this announcement have been if they said these 30 games were all being released on iOS and Android? Maybe with an NES inspired gamepad to doc your phone into.
I’ve been playing Rainbow 6 Siege on Xbox One really consistently the last few months. If you get on a good team that uses microphones it’s an absolute blast. Not sure why more people don’t talk about it.
You guys keep writing these stories, I’ll keep reading them. This is why I like the Talk is Jericho podcast but I only listen to episodes with old wrestlers. They have some of the most fascinating personalities and always have a ton of good stories from the road.
The narration is talking about a pit — so if we’re to take it literally, it could be referencing the Lazarus Pit. If it really is Cranston, he could be Ra’s or maybe Lex Luthor..
I’m a big fan of TipYourself - they’re newer than some of the others mentioned here but they’ve got a solid app.
I think I recall really enjoying the N64 podracing game so I guess something good came out of it?
Des Moines is a really great place to live for a lot of reasons - how far my buck goes is one of the biggest.
I went through a violent gun related bank robbery two years ago — and the advice I can give is to do whatever the robber says. Don't make eye contact but try to collect as many details as you can. Also..don't start talking to other victims about what you noticed..the stories end up blending together and the facts are…
I came in with low expectations and I was really impressed. They didn't try to promote some new gimmick like a new motion, or force 3D gaming on us. They really aimed things at hardcore gamers. For me — they did and said all the right things. I was only disappointed that we didn't get to see the actual hardware.
I'll hold off on some of the things i don't like and try to be positive: It appears to have built in speakers. That could be neat!
First digital gage I ever saw in person, belonged to my best friends' parents growing up. They had a Chevy Caprice that was formally a police cruiser. That thing was a tank.
Has to be a viral advertisement for those cameras they're wearing on their heads...right?