
That's for the great explination straightsix

I'm not an expert on stock purchasing by ANY means..but if you bought enough shares, couldn't you use profit from your dividends each year to just buy more of that stock at the end of the year? And each year you'd buy more and more...(depending on the performance of the stock, which in this case is strong)

that really is a beautiful piece..i wonder why he didn't sign it?

I thought their were two quotes or statements made during the conference call that stood out to me. The first is very minor and simply made me kind of smirk..but Tim Cook referred to his cash reserve as Apple's "War chest".

What makes you say that?

ok people we're talking about a billion years here. A BILLION. It's 2012. Think about how far we've come in the last even 100 years...we'll be fine. The human race will survive, i have faith.

man...I'm pretty young (23) and i really have started loving Bruce Spingsteen. Wrecking Ball is one heck of an album. When he was on Jimmy Fallon the other night it genuinly looked like he was having fun rocking out.

that haptic feedback idea literally came into the rumor mill like 3 days prior to the announcement. some butthole just decided to interpret apple's advertisement that said "you have to see and FEEL blah blah blah..."

actually, i really don't believe that it does. You just don't know how to react because for once Giz is off of Apple's jock and actually being very open and honest. I absolutely love it, and I appreciate Giz for this article/convo thing.

has anyone else noticed that their used to be a good three paragraphs in the morning spoilers every day about the Dark Knight Rises, and then about 2 months ago they just stopped all together? I wonder if that's because shooting has stopped or for some other reason..

The pilot to this show was the best piece of dramatic television i had seen in years. I really hope they have a good idea of where to take this story...because it feels like it can only last as long as a mini-series would..not a full couple years of a tv show.

I used to say the same thing Sanjeev. Then, i got a 42 inch LED that runs at 240HZ. When you watch something at 720P, the smooth motion technology hiccups every few seconds. Then, i pop in a blu ray on my ps3 and my head explodes. :)

so, does anyone know if the current generation apple TV's will get this firmware update? Will the current Apple TV's be able to redownload previously purchased movies?

...i wish i had money.

I love where all of this is going. However, I don't think the speed in which this robot can sprint is even close to as neat or unnerving as the moment i first saw one of the researchers who make "big dog" kick that robot.

judging by how pissed off that male lion was, i'd say avoid bringing one. Unless you'd like to be attacked

I can't get over that - plus how much the artists kept him looking like Mark Ruffalo. It's amazing.

I laughed at the exact same thing man. A grouping of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe..also starring Black Widow with a handgun!

why does he make a good Winston? BECAUSE HE'S BLACK!? thats racist man.

Alright ion community, who else held back a cheer when The Hulk snagged Ironman out of the sky?! THAT-WAS-GREAT!!!!