
In an absolute rare occurrence: I'm actually going to prefer a reboot to this franchise.

I'll be interested to see how many people that are complaining about how much iOS is leaking into Mountain Lion and yet this is like a full on flood of Metro into Windows...I think it's all great. I'll probably have both loaded onto my mac.

I was really counting on community reaction to using Windows8 down here in the comment section. How is it people? Is it really worth me putting it on my Mac via Bootcamp? help me out.

Bluetooth remote accessory. I'm thinking...some sort of a game controller for the apps that will be available on the new Apple TV running on the A5 chip? One can hope...

Depending on what story you're coming from...I was always told that Hulk was the strongest being in the Marvel Universe. Also, isn't captain america's shield supposed to be like..completely resistant to any type of attack? I'm not asking hypothetical questions, I'm really unsure of myself and am not an expert.

ha, "Tablet" "Slated"..good one Gizmodo. Good One.

this article (atleast the first few paragraphs) make it sound like whenever Iran succcessfully develops this long range missle, they'll immediately send them towards the US.

I thought Game of Thrones looked like a good show, and i honestly don't have a good excuse for why i never watched it. I dont even have an excuse for why i didn't DVR it...so alas, i have purchased this good deal from Amazon.

That's disappointing that it's been taken [down...someone] probably put alot of effort into that. It's a really neat [idea..it] actually could make Facebook an odd way to do research on a person.

"They you just place the glowing end on your breakout and press the button. "

What really frustrates me about iTunes is how non-userfriendly it is. I bought an iPad for my 60 year old parents who are NOT tech saavy. They whiz around on that thing like it's second nature, it makes me feel really good when I go back home and watch them use it.

ok so I now have two hopes before the end of my life. I want to see a man walking on the surface of [Mars..and] I want to see detailed pictures of GJ1214b.

No he meant Bill Gates. He may not have much involvement with Microsoft anymore since stepping down [but..that] would be so much more epic than Steve Ballmer.

I think it will be one app, however i imagine they will do in-app purchase to unlock each tool.

Is the geometic shaping at the letter "S" supposed to be implying the "Superman"?

there is something a little bit elementary sounding about the title "the sea of monsters"...meh.

I did too..i got so excited for about 45 seconds. and then I was overcome with great great shame... how could i have been so foolish?

I'm guessing Gizmodo chose to post this article because of all the people (like myself) who were ripped off by the Pokemon Yellow fake app. It was so popular last night it was #4 on the top list in the app store.

the only way that would make sense is if black ops 2 was somehow a next-gen xbox exclusive...which is so unlikely that it probably wasn't even worth writing this comment explaining so.

their natural abilities as climbers with unbelievable balance, mixed with their freak strength, pretty high intelligence, and overall awesomeness. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.