
You're probably right, but i kind of see it a different way. I use my iphone more now because I'm not a person who would use my ipad in public. So when i'm outside of the house i use my iphone. Now with my mac mini at home..where i would normally have used my ipad, the web browsing..and multi tasking on my 40 inch

wow that's just a really poor animated gif. job not well done sir.

When i first bought mine (first gen wifi) i used it non-stop for almost 8 months straight. I was in love — and was convinced this was the greatest gadget i'd ever owned. Then i bought my first iphone (4s) and in the last two months i've found myself picking it up only a couple times per week.

I'm almost positive that I've read in more than one credible website, that Nolan wants to keep the ending of this film so close to the chest that he didn't put it down on paper. Only the people in the scene involved either in front of the camera or behind it, would be instructed on whats happening the day of shooting.

it brings a tear to my eye..hopefully these kids that are in the science fair now will be the generation that will lead us to Mars and beyond. God knows our generation (I'm 22) has dropped the ball so far.

I don't like the names of the product that they printed on the back. I also would like to know on the imac case, whether that speaker and those ports are just basically printed on pictures, or if they're actually designed into the case. For $45 I would hope they're not just a print-on...but i fear they are.

I just use a 40 inch monitor with a 2011 Mac Mini...seems to work pretty well. Multitaskinig Ahoy!

I didn't realize the captain from JJ Abram's Star Trek movie was in this..I liked him a lot. I'll give it a chance tonight. However, I'm also not one of those "wait until it gets good" people..if a show can't grab me in 1 or 2 episodes, I'm out.

I'd be very disappointed if at some point the film Lizard doesn't have a lab coat on atleast for one scene. I mean come on...While Ranhalt is right, naked Lizard is how the original one was drawn...I loved that 90's cartoon lab coat and hulk pants look.

holy crap i said this to one of my friends today. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this. Maybe they thought a name like Spiderman doesn't really need that much advertising? I mean WB didn't spend money for a Dark Knight or Dark Knight Rises trailer during the Super Bowl..

i was more concerned about thickness and weight

Just because they're from different studios..i'm not totally convinced we won't see a cameo in The Avengers. I mean granted it's like less than 1% chance but..it'd be crazy good publicity for The Amazing Spiderman.

will it fit the first generation iPad?

After seeing the first person web swinging teaser i wrote this movie off. It honestly looked like the first super hero film that I had zero interest in at least giving a chance in the theaters. This trailer may have changed that.

Might i remind people of The Phantom Menace trailer? Looked AMAZING....then we all went to the theater.

I was a really big fan of the CGI Hulk in The Incredible Hulk..but wow I really am liking this one even more. It actually does look alot like Mark Ruffalo, but not in a goofy gimicky way. Well done CGI Artists!

What a beautiful idea by the writers/director:

I know this has nothing to do with the article for the most part: but does anyone know anything about a brand new, or atleast updated iMac? Would it be revealed at the same press conference as the iPad3?

that seriously is beautiful, I've never seen that before. thank you - now I'm lusting.

It always bothers me when commenters attempt to pull in Apple/Android conversation starters into an article that has absolutely nothing to do with either.