
I really hope they don't think that little of us...to think we couldn't comprehend that. That being said, i wouldn't be shocked if they did think we were that stupid.

I like this idea..that The Avengers would take place completely after the Amazing Spiderman movie(s)...that way maybe we could see a very brief flash of what The Amazing Spiderman's full potential could be.

I really enjoyed your insight here. I agree for the most part with where you place Spiderman in the rankings...however your comment about being able to defeat Abonination? I'm not sure that would happen. Hulk is one of the most powerful beings in the entire marvel universe and he stuggled to defeat him.

How do you know that Peter Parker wouldn't even be born yet? I'm not doubting you I just am not sure where you're getting your timeline information. I think it's perfectly possible that we could see Peter Parker being recruited by Coulsen or Fury.

What're the chances this man goes back to Apple?

better reason: We found oil on the moon.

Alright am I the only one that isn't going to hate on this Ad? I think it's genius. People will love this ad, and i garuntee you it will be on people's top 5 commercials from the superbowl. If they do it correctly, and REALLY make it feel like Ferris. (plus they never said they were switching out the ferrari for the

Elephant I've been trying to explain this to people for almost a year now. Thank you for saying it in a better and easier to understand way than i have been able to in the past.

this is EXACTLY the sentiment i shared. You have a race of aliens that has already been really fleshed out. The audience already knows details. That's what would this earth based alien movie different.

I'm happy to read that Bale is focusing more on the anger and killer instinct that batman has within him. I think too much focus and attention was paid to his "one rule" on The Dark Knight. (Don't get me wrong, that's arguably my favorite movie of all time.) I just think talking about it in the film so much - really

I know this really ISN'T the case...but part of me gets so incredibly jealous, and a little bit ashamed when I see all these articles about countries in the Eastern hemisphere getting bullet trains that travel at super high speeds. Now Kazakhstan has something that look like the starship Enterprise? Not fair...

haha, listen..i love bacon more than the next guy - but if printed or artificial bacon becomes available before i die...I'm not sure I'll be eager to put that into my body. Something just seems wrong on many different levels about that.

I have no doubt that's the next step..and after they get there i will be absolutely fascinated. I didn't say I don't believe they can do it..i just can't wrap my head around the tech. It's so neat and interesting and has a limitless uses and directions it could go in.

It kind of reminds me of how the liquid metal terminator was restricted to only being able to form simple objects. haha

I can see this technology being used to make things out of plastic...but i just struggle to wrap my brain around how it would create complex machines using various types of metal. The article also mentions "printing food" for the hungry? Again...brain not wrapping.

haha appearently your username perfectly encompasses you. It's just a dissected cow eye. geesh! :)

Not in the least bit. The ability to change the focus and effects of an image after you've already taken it, is the kind of "magic" technology that made Steve Jobs drool. Not shocked one bit. Also, I love the idea of this partnership.

I really worry about facebook taking on too much. They're becoming Myspace. I do love Vevo's iPad app though..it's nice to be able to AirPlay it up on my bigscreen when I have people over.

I don't see much wrong with Reynolds being both. I mean It didn't bother me one bit that Chris Evans was the Human Torch and Captain America. I think if it's done correctly, and one of the movies isn't well accepted by fans (F4, Green Lantern) it'll be fine. Just my opinion though.

I really like the way Fassbender is treating the character. It seems like he genuinly understands the history of Erik Lehnsherr and the relationship he has with Prof. X. I really do hope that should they make another film, that they become allies again. Although, if Magneto ends up betraying him again at the end of