
My brain is waiving a white flag.

Wow I really appreciate all the great responses folks. Sounds like I really dove into a pool deeper than what i was expecting. Sounds like he has a pretty complicated exsistance in the comic universe. Maybe It was a mistake to ask..but either way it's great to have such quick and useful answers!

As a comic book enthusiast but not an avid reader of them — I've always had a certain fascination with Cable. Does anyone who has more knowledge on the subject, know if there is a definitive back story that has been told about him? Or a good series of comics where he is one of the main characters?

I actually CAN see Bane killing Scarecrow. It's a character that has meaning because he's appeared in both films, but he has absolutely no real effect on the storyline if you kill him off. It's almost the only piece of this "spoiler" that i could believe.

Atomic where did you hear it? If you could find a way to get it to me I'd really be appreciative.

whether or not you meant to make this rhyme, I'm giving you props like you did. Well done sir.

When I watched him in Warrior he wasn't exactly articulate with his words either..however that movie DID help me realize how he intends to play such a physical character as Bane. So much of what Hardy says in a role, doesn't come out of his mouth.

I think you're correct - my guess is we will see some sort of back story on Bane that involves both Talia and Ra's. The way that they're making it seem as of Contilliard is only playing an executive at Wayne Enterprises makes me think that (even though it will be no suprise to us) that she was a sleeper agent that

I wondered the same thing.. I mean not being able to see face/mouth is the entire reason is was possible to give James Earl Jones' voice to Darth Vader. Why not just dub over with clearer audio?

People need to stop worrying about too many villain problem for TDKR. In the Dark Knight there were more villains than just The Joker and Two Face..he knows how much spotlight to give each person.

The closer i look at the picture the more I'm inclined to believe two things. Either A. You're right..that is not an actual vault or B. That vault is SUPER EFFING expensive. I work at a bank, a fairly large bank..and our vault door looks no where NEAR as impressive and complicated as the one above.

I do feel a sense of calm, knowing that Nolan used The Joker for his 2nd film and didn't save the Joker for the finale of his trilogy. Jerry got a chance to see what will (I believe) be the best and most definitive on screen portrayal of his creation that we will ever witness.

I really hope this vault had more than just the function of hiding the secret formula for a soda...a vault of that type is unbelievably expensive.

They have a full word-for-word description of the prologue over at Perez.

batman was swinging beneath the train that had the device in it. Wouldn't that have harmed/killed him?

I'm done.

Yes I understand what a plot hole is, and yes it is a plot hole. The Microwave Emitter in Batman Begins is the Macguffin for the entire second half of the film. Without it, there is no imminent threat to Gotham. The entire film after Bruce returns to Gotham City is based around this threat.

I am extremely impressed with this company. My brother will be delighted at this news as well. He bought one a few weeks ago only to have issues with it. Jawbone was always synonymous with high quality in our family — this move keeps that in tact.

I can't wait to get home and download this app on my ipad. I am a big fan of the AOL (funny i know) app that takes topics you're interested in and creates a magazine style format out of it. (I forget what it's called..Editions? Issues?)

well played sir. well played.