
mmm I'll accept it simply as a "half ass" explination like i did technically ask for..but in reality, this topic is a well known plot hole in Batman Begins. I was just bringing it up to say that while nolan pics are based on reality, there are loopholes and exceptions.

please half ass explain how it would work with science? Our bodies contain 55%-78% water, so how exactly did the machine target the water in the mains but not kill absolutely everyone in it's path?

I thought the device was an earthquake machine rather than a bomb?

Have we heard anything further regarding those spyshots that people seemed to think was a lazarus pit? Couldn't this be the source of Batman's rehabilitation after Bane breaks him? Just a thought..

Siri may have been the gimmick they used to push the 4S to more of the everyday users..but I bought the 4S for superior performance and much improved camera. I absolutely love my 4S.

I used to always tell me friends that i feel like I was born way too early. My love for gadgets, and the romance of outer space...It breaks my heart to think that we won't be able to exploer the far reaches of space in my lifetime.

I have so much respect for what Han Zimmer can do. He adds so much to any project that he's involved in.

If we can figure out how to turn frozen martian ice into drinkable water for astronauts, why haven't we figured out how to easily turn ocean water into drinking water for Earthlings?

you're absolutely right here. The prologue for TDK really set up the entire tone change from Batman Begins to TDK— with TDK having a much broader and larger scale.

It sounds to me like their are two main conflicting stories about what the Dark Knight Rises prolougue will be, and the other one originates from IGN.com. Since that website is blocked by my office filter, can someone quickly explain to me what they believe the prologue will be?

I'm 22 years old and I really hope I live to see the day where their aren't any cars running on petrol...either all electric, hydrogen, or something that we don't even kow about yet :)

thanks to everyone who simultaneously clearified my question, and didn't make me feel like an idiot in doing so. That's pretty rare on the internet these days...

Silellak i was thinking the EXACT same thing...Joker's whole message in The Dark Knight was moral dilemma and choas, so a role as a judge would be fitting.


I'm by no means an astonomer but..could there potentially be planets inside the void at the center of this star? Because that would be incredibly neat..

so do they review comments over a period of time?..or if i just make a doozy of a comment one day i get a star? I really feel like i contribute great things and I'd really like one some day.

first time i've ever supported that statement.

how does one get a star in the first place? I've always wondered...

The times that siri didn't understand what I was trying to say to her, EXTREMELY minimal. I use it for simple things, and i know what she can do and what she can't do.

How does knowing that the man who scored Captain America: The First Avenger will score The Avengers, let us know what to expect sonically? Unless they plan on using the same score from CA..I'd expect it to be different.