
Absolutely beautiful design. My god.

What drives me nuts, and I'm not sure if all Dippin' Dots stands do this, but they only take cash. I don't think I'm the only one who really doesn't carry cash on them anymore. Everything is with my debit/credit card.

What are the chances that SOME of the things that they're reporting from TDKR set are fakes, or distractions? I remember the hype for The Dark Knight being just as intense as this new film, and yet the only shots we had of Heath Ledger in joker makeup were blurry, and horrible quality. Closer to release date they

100% true. My parents only watch CBS shows. NCIS, NCIS LA, Criminal Minds, CSI Vega, Miami, and New York, The Good Wife...i swear when i go home for the holidays all i watch are shows where people are murdered, kidnapped, raped, or all of the above.

While what's said in this article is mostly correct, especially that "Android is bad for Android" because devices like the Fire create fragmentation—does NOT mean they will not sell. The price point that the Fire is being sold makes me think this will be the item that young adults will be buying their parents to try

How many of you think Nintendo will ever sell games on iOS? If they were redesigned to work better on a touch screen, would you pay $10 per game? $5? Is this question pointless because Nintendo will never do it?

not happy about this. I was looking foward to this app more than I was looking foward to the much hyped facebook ipad app.

I will admit, I am a little disappointed in my 4S baterry life. Mine still lasts me through an entire day (8AM to 11PM) and i use it frequently. However...part of the big reason i switched from my android Galaxy S Vibrant was the atrocious battery life. That thing would be dead when I got home from work. (I stream

Really well put together article, thank you Giz.

I am a new iPhone 4S owner, it's my first iPhone. After playing with Siri the first night, i deduced that it was pretty darn gimicky. However, I took a 2 hour car trip on Monday and now have the exact opposite opinion of her.

If the form factor is essentially a 42inch cinema display for $999.99...they could potentially sell a boatload of these things.

I really wish there would be a quickly adopted replacement for flash soon. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but doesn't HTML5 have the ability to take the place of Flash?

The thing that always blows my mind and humbles me, is when people started saying that the phones we use today have more technology and advancements than the shuttle that took man to the moon.

You know...they're both great for different reasons. I also think that BECAUSE of that, they're good for eachother. They continue to push eachother foward and strive to one-up eachother. It may seem like Apple isn't doing this, and just moving at their own pace...but ios5 in my opinion shows that Apple is paying

It just says iPhone on the back of an iPhone.

you can't have a handheld version of Surface in it's current state. I'm pretty positive that it uses an above-mounted projector to track movement and identify devices.

I think years down the road we're going to realize that even though Kinect may not have been deemed major success in video games, it will play a key role in some very revolutionary non-gaming future technology.

That's exactly what first came to my mind when I saw this.

@ackthbbft I was thinking the exact same thing.

yikes sorry i spelled the last name of a washed up 80's action star. I am ashamed.