

There is so much flawed logic in your argument and many non-sequiturs I don’t even know where to begin. Also, I’m not a gun owner.

Simply wanted to clarify what your stance is. Off point, but it is fun italicizing random words! I am wondering why you feel it is your duty to impede others lawful rights where you can?

In this political enviroment, it takes 0 balls...

Whipping on the NRA right now is like buying Bitcoin until about a month ago.... it was cheap, almost guarenteed profit.

This isn’t the “middle finger” anyways.... a middle finger would be refusing to rent to NRA members at all.... this is honestly the lowest-rent

my girlfriend and i were discussing this the other day. she’s an adjustment counselor at an elementary school that is riddled with children with major behavioral and developmental issues. sometimes i fear for her safety & well-being for what she has to deal with. i mentioned that i firmly believe that mental health

Broad indeed! Just like my 2A, the 1A is just as important. So, kneel/stand/burn the flag all you want, I have no right to tell you, you cant. Thats the difference between me and you.

You’re right in that machine guns are easy to acquire legally or to manufacture illegally. Still, most people wish to stay on the legal side of things and most criminals are lazy, so people mis-using machine guns aren’t really a threat to society.

The push back because the laws already on the books should have prevented the parkland murderer from getting a gun. But the executive branch failed at enforcing the laws so more laws won’t help except keep guns out of law abiding citizens’ hands.

Bingo, the Parkland shooter had been reported to Broward Sheriffs Office 23 times.

The Texas church shooting was stopped by a NRA member with an AR15. It would have been a different story if that hero had to fight a body armored gunman with a handgun. I have a few guns and an AR15 is the one I would take if my life or someone else’s depended on me hitting my intended target.

Right, but I don’t think the ATF’s restrictions are prohibitive enough to prevent people from circumventing the intended spirit of the law to own machine guns manufactured after 1986. Owning a machine gun by way of becoming an FFL or SOT is much easier than most think.

Gun owners outnumber our military by the millions. Its not just me!

No worries, I dont think that there will ever be a solution that makes everybody happy. I appreciate your sincerity in your discussion, which is really hard to come by now days.

Interesting, I appreciate the perspective. I can’t really say that I agree with some of your reasoning or logic for owning them, but that’s not my decision to make. That’s the beauty of “freedom.” I will say, that it is incredibly obvious that a vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens. Another vast

my first instinct was to draw a parallel to cars as well. i think, in a certain way, mandating what people can and cannot have would be like forcing everyone to drive a Toyota Camry. I don’t think you can dictate what people can & cannot want, despite the reasons for wanting them. That said, where do you draw the

congratufuckinglations. Nobody cares. I’ll have my guns for years to come. You’ll still by crying about me having guns.

And nobody gives a shit. I’ll have my guns for years to come and you’ll still be a whiny little bitch trying to take everyone else’s away.

What a douchebag

On the need vs want question, I have more want for guns than need for guns. Even though I hopefully never need a gun, the only person responsible for my safety is me, so I like having the option to own the best tool available for that purpose. Since there is at least a slim chance I will need a gun someday, that means

So you’re vehemently opposed to the BoR and the amendments therein?