
I feel like all tall people looking for car buying advice should include both their height and their inseam. Some are “leg tall” and some are “body tall”. The two types hake for different car requirements.

I am Diess and I am here to solve the American problem with VW.

Neutral: How Would You Overhaul Volkswagen?

1st gear: Electrify all the things!


Exactly zero freight traffic goes through the Hudson tunnels. They are passenger trains only.

How did Trump make his money?

Great, now instead of “per capita” or “percentage of population”, you should actually look at the total figures going in.

If we’re being honest though, this is what politics in general has come down to for a lot of people. If you’re not for us, you’re against us. If you’re not actively against the other side, you’re against our side.

The population of New York City alone is more than almost all the states populations.

They’re busy channeling those funds to their bloated overly optimistic pensions

Sorry, but Dallas, LA, SF, Miami aren’t going to become Mogadishu because a subway tunnel failed connecting NY and NJ.

You have to remember though, it’s New York. New York doesn’t like to spend money on necessary things.

I don’t think the whole country is going to collapse because a bunch of corporate types can’t get to work by rail.

It’s your regions infrastructure, your region is responsible for investing in and maintaining it.

As seems typical these days, interesting how infrastructure needs like this are just presented as a given that the federal government should be paying for most, if not all of the cost.

Get off it man. You’re either blind or dishonest.

So Obama agreed to pay for half of it, and then conveniently allowed someone else figure out where to find the money. So typical.

Losing passenger rail capacity into NYNY would be an inconvenience, but it certainly isn’t going to “derail” the national economy by any stretch of the imagination. What matters is freight rail and, since deregulation, it doesn’t stand around waiting on federal subsidies to keep its house in good running order.