
My 2013 Ford Escape has a hidden storage compartment under the mat on the right rear side. Not my pic and not my pistol.

No, he wasn’t resisting. They were just pissed that someone challenged their authority and responded with mob action. Everyone of those cops is a discredit to the shield and should lose his job and be prosecuted for assault and battery. There was no need to throw the guy to the ground and beat him. This was just

jesus fucking christ.

Chase - Idiotic

Laguna seca always comes to mind and pisses me off every time home owners getting tracks shut down and restricted comes up.

Same for gun ranges. Let’s buy a house near loud noises, then complain that it’s too loud!

you’re a fuckin clown if you think white dudes don’t get the beatdown all the fucking time from cops

We were watching it live. No visible blood after they had him up and for the 10 minutes or so before they got him into the squad car. Probably some broken ribs, though.

Was he black? Only counts if the driver was black, based on all recent evidence.

I’m so confused. You claim that it is “nicely put together”, yet you are reviewing an MG.

I hereby challenge David Tracy to take one of these to Moab.

Dear God, a cat with an opposable thumb…

Em… Because they already did?

Being that the Austrian car market is pretty similar to the German one I bet that car would be GREAT for Fucking.

He said fuck in....not dry hump the actual vehicle.

It gets the thumbs up from Jimmy.

Oh my.

Then implement those inspections in a useful way so that abuse will be difficult. You can never fully prevent it but you can go a long way.

I love the idea of an “advanced driver” license that would grant me special speed privileges. Too bad the cop wouldn’t see it until he had already pulled me over...

Japan, and/or Germany, which take driving very, very seriously.

At least Germany also rewards with gorgeous infrastructure like the Autobahn. I’d love to see a similar system in place across the US, where if you have a Super Special Awesome License, you can travel on <highway across states> at speeds over the limit.