
How was the Bolt you obviously drove before forming this baseless opinion?

Thanks for the objective opinion, “tesla_fan”!

I wood say he saw dust. Poor sap

Seeing that really makes me pine for my racing days.

I want to be a rally driver!
Leaping from tree to tree as they race down the mighty roads of Finland!
The giant redwood! The larch! The fir! The mighty Scots pine!
The smell of fresh-cut timber! The crash of mighty trees! With my best co-driver by my side, we’d sing, sing, sing!

Something that has always fascinated and amazed me is that many subs that are sunk are in water less deep than the length of the boats. If you flipped the Tarpon up on end, half of it would stick out of the water. The Kursk, which sank in 350 feet of water, would tower hundreds of feet into the air. And still, it’s

Thanks for the assist.

mass centralization

My guess is that a lot of these same dealers got seriously burned when GM demanded they build stand-alone Hummer dealerships. I think the last of those was completed just as gas prices began to soar...

To me, this is just another in a very long list of reasons why the dealership model is broken. if GM controlled it’s

I took a look at their website:

I’d like to hear more about this mythical bacon hat of which you speak.

It’s the ultimate insult to provide your daughter with a cooler set of wheels than anything a potential suitor might be able to muster. Also it gives the young ladies a sense of empowerment over their apish male counterparts.

That digital dash, I’m drooling..........

Prior to the k/t event that killed the dinosaurs the planet was hotter and sea levels were higher.

I guarantee she doesn’t shave.

Now I kinda want to meet a stripper named Yeti.

Always keep your tools handy. You never know when there’s going to be an outrage to participate it.

What’s that I hear?

Good day, sir, I just heard a rumor that Porsche is building a Routan-based minivan. I have business to attend to.

Does cat burglery count?

Have you ever tried to do an aerobic activity in leather?

Full Disclosure, I despise the Rio, but I will give them a hat tip for the suspension tuning on the SX hatch. It’s not 100% terrible. It would make for an interesting spec series.