The thing that's racist and sexist is your prejudice, not "reality" (which is full of intelligent black people and funny women).
The thing that's racist and sexist is your prejudice, not "reality" (which is full of intelligent black people and funny women).
Actually, it is not a fact. What IS a fact is that you're a shitty person for thinking this, you sexist asshole.
Given there's no objective measure of "funny", this statement is horseshit.
Have you considered that the men are funnier contention misses two rather important words? Men tend to be funnier ... to men. But since men are not the sole determiners of what's funny to the whole population, this contention is horseshit. Sexist, used-to-being-the-bosses-of-the-world horseshit.
Qualified is such an arbitrary thing in this instance. There is no metric scale for comedy writing. Most of these dudes would have been hired with little experience, just because they jibed with whoever was hiring. If you're the person hiring, and you're only feeling the potential of white males, maybe you're the…
Right here - me too. Well, I have 2 pairs of jeans so sometimes I rotate ... SOMEtimes. Not very often.
My favorite:
I personally enjoy some of the responses to the original article, including this gem:
I was thinking Guy Fieri and Joel from Mystery Science Theatre 3000!! LOL
1.) Did Guy Fieri and Donnie Wahlberg make a baby?!
I feel like if all this girly-ness is so damn natural, why would anyone need to chide us into "accepting" it, hmmm? Breathing is natural, and I never required a brought-to-life toilet brush to nag me into it.
Au contraire. I hate that anyone has to go through this, but better intelligent, articulate kids who can think for themselves than impressionable, credulous kids who will absorb this stuff without question - that's how you end up with more Lookadouches.
Pretty impressive set of kids - articulate, funny, able to identify bullshit when they see it.
I have never really gotten over vomiting in the parking lot that time. But yes, I have never raped anyone either.
I pursued a couple of guys who were clearly not interested. I wore some very bad barrettes on my hair. I wore a few belly shirts. I once drank a lot of mulled wine and vomited it all in a parking lot.
Embarrassing incidents from my youth I'm glad to have outgrown: deciding I'm in love with a dickbag who barely has time to return my calls, thinking it's a good idea to perform an impromptu acapella rendition of Miami by Will Smith, drunk dialing aforementioned dickbag, and thinking that a poncho from Forever 21 was…
First thing that came to my mind:
"Don't turn around."
It's like the Care Bears and the Night Before Christmas got into a fight and then farted out a make up song.