How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.
How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.
Obama could charge whatever he wants as far as I care.
Words are important.
Why on earth would you think that a tortured explanation of the subtle, but ultimately meaningless, differences in the meaning of a foreign word would get you labelled as pedantic?!
That stuff grows wild out there. I’ve driven by fields of this stuff that didn’t look like it was tended to. Kind of difficult to remove.
The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody.
The fuck if I know, but I think the US press corps needs to be replaced with German and BBC reporters. Those bastards are merciless.
“You’re the first daughter of the United States, and you’re also an assistant to the president,” the moderator, WirtschaftsWoche editor-in-chief Miriam Meckel, said. “The German audience is not that familiar with the concept of a first daughter. I’d like to ask you, what is your role, and who are you…
She almost always wear stuff like that. She doesn’t care much about her appearance (I mean, where would she even find the time lol), which is why the German press used to make fun of her so much.
The Leader of the Free World doesn’t have to dress for other people.
And not just here, but pretty much all. the. time. I love it.
Woah. Is he using the same PR firm as United?
China is cognizant of the fact if things go pear shaped there will be a flood of refuges into their country. Tolerating them seems a lot more attractive with this type of context.
1. The death penalty does not work as a disincentive. No one is proposing that these men should be released into society.
That’s fair.
What I’m seeing is people who are outraged by the fact that we spend all this money on wars that can’t be won, mean while our infrastructure and education systems continue to crumble.
Not as weird as an argument that doesn’t take into account replacement cost...
I wonder how many former East Germans, especially East Berliners are having flashbacks with this doll. A device that looks innocent but can record your every waking act? “Nein, danke.”
It’s funny, I’ve heard the same thing from other people, but then there are others who say it’s baloney, since at distance and over the sound of combat the enemy wouldn’t have been able to hear it.