
In regards to HarvestMoon's comment; I think a tip I would have is making sure boys are placed in environments where they don't interact only with boys, which for whatever reason is basically what they tend to default to in school or outside activities. Speaking from personal experience (as a male), equality isn't

A young dog or a puppy will keep the older one active, and the younger one will also learn from it; sell your parents on that aspect, because it's entirely true. A younger dog will really help the older one, and keeping your parents company in the next years is just an additional benefit.

That sucks... border situations like that are awful. My vote is for make the best of it... I hear Arizona is a really beautiful if hiking or being outdoors is your thing.

I think the slow dampening of "back to school" is pretty standard... I'm in grad school now, and back to school shopping is going to Muji to buy a new $2 notebook and a new $2 pen that doesn't have the clip broken off.

Remember in highschool when you used to need like 10 binders or something ridiculous?

Oh wow... yeah, it still shows up on Google, but it's gone 404 when you click. I posted a comment on that I was somewhat proud of... I don't think the article was that great, but as a topic I'm sure it would generate a really important discussion about media priorities, and politics vs entertainment.

It depends... I've had a number of close friends who are "difficult" by most people's standards, and some of them outright hated by other friends. People can have really deep-seated reasons for being the way they are that aren't public knowledge, or known by more than a handful of people: they might have really

Alot of Canadians have some sort Irish ancestry, and there are alot of Irish immigrants (of various generations) in the Toronto area... so honestly I think you'll benefit from really positive feelings that people have towards Ireland; in a stereotypical way, people will compliment your accent.

Toronto is a great city

Meat pies. Do it.

Alot of people feel kinda out of place at first- I in no way mean to dismiss your feelings, just to relate and say that I felt pretty sketched out when I first moved to NY, but after some time I was more able to distinguish between places that were actually unsafe (abandoned places) versus spots that would freak out

I think too also because it's so ubiquitous, including in small communities. Like you have a gas station, a corner shop, and then a Tim Hortens. I imagine for alot of people too it has fond childhood associations, especially for people who made road-trips.

Its a compromise to keep it bilingual for the French region. #canadianmanners

We would be like the bugs-bunny-florida animation and remove ourselves from the continent.

The food greatly depends on the city... as a Canadian living in Europe I really miss the excellent Toronto asian food, but I could see for example how good bread is much rarer to find in Canada.

Everything about that sentencing logic is awful... that guy should have been a "dangerous offender" or whatever the American equivalent is, because clearly he represents an ongoing risk to the public, and should never be let out.

I've done it twice... and both times it worked it out great, although the first 3 months are rough because you don't have a network, and it's kinda depressing not to have group to call up on weekends. Stick at it, go to social functions every time, get everyone's phone number, plan events rather than wait for invites,

My bad, linked too quick.

Ah damn.... my bad, linked too quick.

Classic, Attenborough on sloths: Youtube link.

You also wonder... like installing nation-wide networked fingerprinting machines that all connect to a central database, and then monitoring the system and enforcing it... that all sounds really expensive. Couldn't you use that money to invest in food production?

Yeah, if he's in any way still associated with the reserves, you can expect that they'll also want to jettison his racist ass... he's a a caricature of the worst qualities one could find in a police officer or military-in-a-policing-role person.