The freedom from word order is certainly nice, but as a second language speaker it does us no favours when listening to something ambiguous spoken quickly. "Wait, what's the subject? Did the man bite the dog or the did the dog bite the man?" :)
The freedom from word order is certainly nice, but as a second language speaker it does us no favours when listening to something ambiguous spoken quickly. "Wait, what's the subject? Did the man bite the dog or the did the dog bite the man?" :)
You figure that the forensics involved would be a) faster and b) completely contradictory to the story of the officers. The fact that it took until August (6 months) before the autopsy results were released (with the simple conclusion of where the bullet entered and exited) seems highly unprofessional...
The police…
I wonder though if like a better system would be to create weights based on commentator history... like if an account is three months old and still active, it's far less likely to randomly post spam, and I think it's pretty safe to say that an account that's still active (and unbanned) after a year/years it's probably…
In Germany it's pretty common for students to be slightly older... and 25 is really young. The first three years of my undergrad (went right from highschool) I made such bad research work, that had I not taken an extra year, I don't think I would have made it to grad school (and yet at the time I thought it was all…
A common complaint is that prosecutions of police officers are rarely successful, and punishments of officers who abuse their position are light, rather than outright dismissal. Do you think changes are needed to the way police officers are investigated and punished? Do you think police unions play a negative role in…
When I moved countries and switched to a really budget "unlimited data but really crappy speed" plan, I actually was surprised by how little it affected me. Realistically I'm at a place with wifi for most of the day... so yeah, I can't watch Youtube on the train, big deal. If your workplace didn't allow cell-phone…
It will be interesting to see if younger generations are smarter about social media (i.e. understanding how public it is), or if rules will be enacted in certain career fields, that you just can't have Facebook/Twitter. Any people have insight into how for example, it works for military members?
Sometimes the gods of "not in your region" are good... they protect you from yourself.
I think there's probably interesting research to be made about different types of "viral" for internet and social media. This commercial in particular has the quality that like sure, your parents would send you in a chain email, but despite it's reddit success I don't really see it having really big mass appeal for…
I wish we had the gifs of the batters just throwing their bats down in frustration.
I feel like this kind of "anti-pc" editorial is unfortunately pretty standard these days though. You see it alot in even otherwise respected newspapers publications, where they just have one or two crazy people who write victim-blaming articles or anti-immigration articles, or just annoying contrarian opinions to news…
Isn't "Eskimo" generally considered a pejorative?
The Russian internet is heavily censored, and even if some people are bilingual, guess which language most people will consume media in (especially media with complex subject matter like economics and politics).
China has the same problem- even though their direct net access is censored it's not incredibly difficult to…
We're not going to buy you- we're going to slowly continue to culturally absorb you until one day you wake up and realize that you're basically already Canadian.
Then you need to fix it or you will be unable to play bumper cars.
In a time of increasing missile ranges too, you wonder if large boats are a good idea especially if your doctrine at its heart depends on swarm tactics and sheer numbers.
I also wonder what kinda ocean weather these things can handle.
Rather than run a team of stressed commandos with rifles onto a plane full of passengers- I feel like it this could have been better handled by one or two cops discretely coming from the back of the plane and just dragging the guy off. This whole thing just seems like a performance.