
Yeah, that whole statement in the article seemed pretty juvenile. I mean, I live a city that was bombed to rubble, split into a Communist state, and then forcibly reunited twenty years ago. Berlin is actually not great economically- but hell, thinking about where it came from, it's doing pretty fantastic and it's very

I'm Canadian and went so school in both Canada and the States.

1) Canadian universities are much less socially stratified. Yeah there are some rich international students at UofT and McGill, but when tuition is 40K a year at American schools, your classmates tend to be much less working-class.

2) Canadian universities

Seriously, if the DIA collection was gone, my reasons for visiting Detroit would deteriorate from what is already a poor position.

"...she's a DJ..."

This whole read deserves a medal.

This article and indeed the crime itself are also about the perception of foreigners living in Korea, of which IS an ongoing social issue.

The Russians however also took catastrophic causalities... they cleared minefield with human beings. :(

Stop bating people. While the focus of this article is obviously on the disgusting behaviour of these individuals, another important part of the discussion is ongoing cultural relationships between countries.

The reality is that many parts of the world are grappling with immigration and changing demographics, and

Maybe if you take off your fedora you'll be more successful...

I mean it seems strange though: obviously people know the iconography if they're depicting it in a mural, and yet they're just unaware of the political associations?

Maybe another example would be the use of Che Guevara's iconic image in the Middle East, where his communist political beliefs aren't thought of, or the

I'd be lying if I said I'd never wondered about this.... thanks Jezebel, for confirming the nightmare is possible.

Honestly though, what's the entire point of this discussion? That no one likes being steriotyped in sweeping generalizations? That racial generalizations are unhelpful at best and tragic at worst? Wooo!

Truer words have never been spoken. It's like when I'm home for Christmas and a relative unhelpfully remind me that when they were my age in 1980 they got paid $20/h to sweep floors at General Motors (and paid their $1500/year tuition after only a few weeks of summer work).

"Oh really? How is GM these days?"

That's such a crazy different demographic though.... I mean you have people at the edge of that range who didn't deal with as much technology when they were in college, and so they are in their early thirties but actually had to learn how to use the internet and technology. You have people in the middle, who came of

I've always gone into interviews with my own little notebook, and yeah I totally write down my talking points and also record notes during the actual interview. As long as it's like a pocket-book and not a binder you'll be totally cool.

In fact writing down details shows your real interest in the specifics of the job.

Visas are an issue... but if you're from a Western country they're not too difficult to get even though perhaps it sounds intimidating. I even know people who were able to snag visas in Berlin for bar-tending or working in hotels. Getting a visa for the United States is more difficult, and getting a visa anywhere if

Yeah, your brother has your back. Don't feel bad about her- she's really not worth the time. Take the money and run, and don't feel bad. You're in the right.

Sorry to hear about this, it sounds like a really awful situation. Best of luck. :(

Damn, Philly is a nice city I'm sure, but I relate: I would much prefer NY to any Eastern city in the US. I hope some alternative works out... :(

I mean it depends on the nature of the job- it's management you obviously have to show that you're capable and mature, but I think a good sense of humour is helpful for job interviews: I don't mean laugh out loud stuff, but like show a little personality ("I go rock-climbing and a I grew up on a farm" or something)