
I mean I guess it depends at what point in your career you're at... I just finished undergrad, and so as a poor student with no job and no relationships I moved to Berlin from NY. It's not hard to do literally- you just buy plane tickets and then wing-it when you get there. It's just an issue of how willing you are

Second littledina. You just be really polite and explain that it's a financial and school situation you can't turn down. When it comes to school people are really accepting I find... I've had similar situations, and I acknowledge in my email that it's a pain for them but they're usually super cool cause they

She sounds like an awful person, and I don't think you're obligated to make a relationship with her anymore given her conduct. Clearly she has financial means cause she's spoiling her biological sibling, but she also married your dad, so don't feel bad about taking her money and running.

She throws fits, but she's

In Canada drawings of fictional minors can and are considered child pornography, and there have been prosecutions of people who possess Japanese comics. I wonder how it's published there.

I'd second the other posters and say try Red Dead Redemption. Yeah the story is still videogame-y, but the setting is pretty amazing. Shoot outs on horseback > shootouts in cars.

There's also Sleeping Dogs, which is open world but not as big as GTA, and plus is takes place in fictional Hong Kong.

Despite the firestorms pointing out how patronizing the "people want to look white" thing is, Jezebel keeps publishing articles about Japan, Korea, and China with that twist... :/

I mean, I basically find it unintentionally whenever I use google image search...

Let them eat cake.

Germany related question: seriously, what is the secret to German dog training? You see people jaywalking through like 6 lanes of traffic, and their dog is perfectly beside them, no leash, exactly like clockwork. Their dogs see other dogs, and don't run over to say hi.

As awesome as Hillary Clinton is... isn't the bigger issue that same as it was before: she's super polarizing and probably incapable of convincing swing voters to change the opinion they've already formed of her?

Yeah... I'm not American, so I don't have the personal history or experience of that, but like how do people think Regan was a good thing that happened?

No worries- I just know some people who applied for visas from Ecuador and had to cancel their trip because the visas were delayed. I guess just make sure you apply way before incase there are problems.

I'm from near Toronto, and lived in NYC; they're both great cities... Toronto I think is better if you have friends there, and NYC is great alone, so I guess that doesn't help you. Consider the cost if that's a factor: you can blow phenomenal amounts of money in NY on taxis, food, shows etc, and not even have a good

What bothered you about the NY portrayal? The literal and metaphorical emptiness of Soho and what I guess was Chelsea at night seemed very spot on to me.

That monkey was a better Canadian than he ever was.

Man.... these replies to your original comment are like everything wrong the the Kotaku commentator community in one thread. Like a legion of white nerds clutching their pearls.

Ignoring how alarming that last sentence is, does the landlady actually own the complex or is she just managing it for a company that you could appeal to (they probably want to avoid all trouble/possible fines)?

Like someone else mentioned, usually there is a city/municipal code enforcement office, and it designed