
Hahaha, at one of the New York schools running the summer program?

I worked for SVA as a student but thankfully my contact with the highschoolers was limited. I mean we were all high-school students once.... An Indian friend who was working for the summer program was tasked to supervise basically a bus full of students

Even if it's a sloppy costume.... I think that's definitely modeled off a Hasidic Jew. >_>

Those lady's are out like... $200 each on their bonuses.

It's so smug and cowardly: to Vice mental illness becomes a capital "R" Romantic experience along with substance abuse. What a shitty suburban mentality of white privilege.

For real... it's been less than 10 years since one of most important contemporary American historians/journalists tragically killed herself after a long struggle with mental illness and after completing incredibly important research (the extremely dark subject matter of which was reportedly disturbing to her as well).

"You live south of The Wall: you're all Southerners."

"It's cause you are a bunch of individualized bitches."

Thats basically the problem with the army vs the rest of the real world.

Seriously; as much as this sounds wildly pretentious, many Europeans have a stronger grasp of English grammar than native speaking Americans and Canadians. I think it's a consequence of being bilingual/trilingual etc, but at the end of the day they can actually name the particles of speech and so they understand their

Clearly assholes like this have never lived in another country. It's fucking hard. Like fuck. Yes you should learn the local language if you stay there for a while, but just a little bit of understanding goes really far when you're trying to order food, or pick up a parcel at the post office, or basically any little

Herbert Hoover (and his wife) spoke fucking Mandarin? What the fuck? That's AWESOME.

I have great respect for people who speak multiple languages. Regardless of upbringing or privilege, it's an impressive mental feat and certainly gives you a certain amount of empathy in your fellow man for sure.

"It's 'Aboooot.' Lear' fuckin' 'nglish 'ou fuckin' hose'ead."

Because he knows who really holds the keys to Westeros...

I think people people pick and choose.... I mean the Hurt Locker is an anti-war movie about the psychology of combat, but I bet alot of people get riled up on it the same was they did on The Full Metal Jacket. Also see Don Draper.

I literally know nothing about the protections offered to child actors: what are they and do they work?

If there's not really any actual science here, why even bother and why is this guy getting publicity? Oh internets...

I kinda wish Kruger had been insistent and the whole thing looked more like one of her early socialist pamphlet things with that Xerox aesthetic. In the tiny slim chance that would have gone to print, it would have been much more interesting.

Actually as a Canadian something I really envy is Finlands cultural power relative to it's small size; the design culture in Finland is top-notch and that's really cool. The ability to travel so easily to the rest of Europe is great too.

I think people are basically insecure about the United States... despite the fact that culturally we are almost exactly the same. There's this weird Canadian snobbery that I guess has to make up for our tiny economy and small world cultural impact. There are only like 35 million Canadians who are spread out really

Kids these days.

I'm sorry: somehow people from my country are on like hair-trigger alert.