
"The Grandmasters" wasn't a martial arts movie or an action film- it was a typical Wong Kar Wai film about emptiness and wasted youth. If I had to sort it into a genre, I would totally pick "Romance."

Personally I was thinking about this film for days after. I'm not so much into "Ip Man" type kung-foo movies, so I was

In retrospect that analogy I made was awful. What I was trying to get at was that this explanation does enter the realm of evo-psych, which can be very logical but also as you said requires big leaps of faith.

I mean the "evolutionary psychology" in this explanation of menopause: the assertion that women would need to "retire" to look after children is basically pretty difficult prove because it makes allegations that are less objectively quantifiable than physical adaptations. You can prove objectively that people who run

I know they allude to the cultural reasons too... but like red is a pretty damn popular colour in Canada. Our flag is red and white and I bet nearly everyone owns at least some red stuff even if its not your best or favourite colour.

Yeah, the problem with the "evolutionary" approach is that it's basically impossible to prove unless you could sit down and interview "the Creator" or whatever. "Ahhh yes, you figured out the exact reason why I made snails require shells. Correct human!"

I agree with you. There's an interesting story here and this drool post isn't it.

That's pretty disappointing to hear... I knew that Japan was a conservative society with issues surrounding women's rights, but I figured that as one of the very most industrialized nations it would be doing better.

He sounds exactly like the kind of impulsive person who isn't mature enough to have a gun. Jesus- he broke down your door!? :(

Yes. My family was pretty average middle class, so they couldn't afford to move for school, but it was definitely a factor my parents took into consideration when the time did come to move to a new house. The trick my parents figured out was that if they could get their kids into specialized programs

Her parents are a pretty big deal in the fine art community- she grew up in NYC.

That said, anyone who's been to NY knows that it's flooded with privileged kids who aren't doing stuff like Lena Dunham.

I miss y'all Yankees, you have a wonderful country. Happy Memorial Day.

I'm a straight white male too, woooo! (I guess?)

I think the ad is stupid, but I think it's small potatoes compared to the likes of Bushmasters AR-15 "Consider your man card re-issued," or Canada Club Whiskey ads "Your dad wasn't a sissy he... [stereotype of Neanderthal manliness]" or really most alcohol ads aimed at

I think you should take this study with a grain of salt too though... like 30 miles a week isn't very far, I'm willing to bet our ancestors broke those distances pretty often when farming and hunting and just walking about. Also, if you're like 25 and fit, common sense would tell you that it's probably ok, whereas if

Members of the horrific Japanese medical experimentation and bio-weapons unit were given immunity and then went on to become prominent members of the medical community in post-war Japan. Aside from their experiments on human prisoners, their germ bombs killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and caused

Foreigners: do you know the US anthem and where did you learn it from?

You are making me feel so old... do the kids these days really all use whiteboards and smartboards? :(

Freedom speech is the beauty of Western Democracy; even if you disagree with another person, that is our strongest freedom.

I think while we can all agree that WWII had to end with an allied victory (despite my username I am Canadian), we can still take a critical lens to the events without dishonouring the memory of

It kinda blows my mind that Japan doesn't have stronger laws in force. I knew that it was a more conservative society with alot of harassment issues, but I kinda expected better from Japan of all places.

I'm Canadian, so I don't know how it works in the States, but for us its very strictly limited; we can only make arrests when it's an immediate danger to the public (i.e. you know your neighbour is smuggling coke- you can't arrest him, you gotta call the cops unless he's like attacking someone right this minute), and

Not so much... I think it's a silly trope- like the goofy kinda incompetent dad in Rom-Coms, but I don't think it actually inspires violence towards or by men. I think we'd be better off without it, but I'm more worried about for example the message of alcohol commercials (your self worth is based on how crazy and