Wait, whats the deal then? Are they like "Reserves" who work part-time for money, or are they total volunteers? Are they trained? Do they have the ability to make arrests?
Wait, whats the deal then? Are they like "Reserves" who work part-time for money, or are they total volunteers? Are they trained? Do they have the ability to make arrests?
Yeah, and German people use Britishisms or slang like "flat" and "posh." There are arguments over which English (UK vs US) is better, but in reality, with the exception of fringe accents or hybrid dialects, it all just becomes a perfectly understandable "International English."
I realize that it's for the ease of audience enjoyment, but movies where people talk in accents the entire time instead if the language are weird.
Did anyone see Stoker? Quite frankly I have mixed feelings about Chan-Wook Park... I feel like he makes bad movies but with amazing individual scenes mixed in. "Thirst" I thought was not so great overall, but it had a few sections that were just totally fantastic.
I dunno, considering a watch but theaters are $$$.
As a cismale underwear packaging always seemed weird to me. I think maybe because I'm not used to my sexuality being depicted in such a naked and kinda corporeal way. I project myself much better into like a Levis ad of people being active, or an alcohol ad of people drinking together: where male sexuality is more of…
To be fair, I'm pretty sure one or two adventures in my time have started with a bro texting "IT'S ON."
You work out alot, and then you basically stop eating and dehydrate for a few days to strip off the top layer of fat through starvation. Body builders do this. After your Photoshoot you go back to eating again.
Also, flexing and tensing up.
"Suprise!" -the Universe
My German Shepard is always embarrassing at family dinners like Christmas.
"Did you know the Americans elected A BLACK MAN!?"
He and my grandfather get along great.
"I'm just celebrating my culture!"
Its what happens though... I'm not sure how it is in the UK press, but average American press generally views the culture of the rest of the globe with some "aww thats cute." The Canadian press is maybe a smidge more multi-cultural, but is awful to the Americans, it's insufferably snobby about them and condescending…
I quite frankly I question the ability of the military to function morally. Think about the crazy shit the police do when they're in our cities- now think about the more insane things our militaries are doing when they're abroad in some other country thats not ours.
Also the Army is basically a giant government…
For real. Honestly everyone should have a solid education is semi-colons and real-world writing. When editing college essays I have only three comments for 90% of the work: stop being vague, be more concise, and give me an example.
Bless you for teaching writing. It's stunning how many adults are just totally unable…
I think to be honest, in nearly every country (including certainly very conservative ones like Russia), being a political activist makes the female gender of a participant relevant because of the implications it has under the traditionally Patriarchal systems of government.
Russian society has some strange gender…
The differences is that men beating up women is actually a major problem everywhere, including in our liberal Western democracies. While women beating up men does happen- it doesn't result in thousands of deaths and countless injuries. The former is a part of our (rape) culture that we are actively at war with in our…
This looked indistinguishable from previous CoD games. I'm excited about what will surely be an imaginative and over-the-top campaign... but even the decoration in the environments look really "video-gamey" rather than any brave new step.
When will someone make good dirt!? Why does the ground STILL look like chocolate…
Disagree, everyone should own tactical leggings with kneepads. The only thing that's gonna stop a bad guy in leggings is a good guy in leggings.